Thanks. Meant for this pic to go up showing the light and contraption I built to hold it.
lookin good just wondering how you like your jeboa wavemaker? what model? any noise? thinking about buying 2 wr-15 for our 180 just wanted to see what your thoughts where about them
oh and lets see under the hood :BEER
Personally I love it. I have the rw-8. Love that they are 100% controllable with speed and strength. One thing they have that the ecotech doesn’t is the light sensor, which as the night comes it slows down the waves to give the fish a more relaxed evening. And the price comparison is something that cannot be ignored.
Tank looking real nice ::
thanks. you def. helped me out alot with the light.
Very creative videos, tank looks great! ::
Hows the toadstool and zoas making out?
Their still alive lol. Maybe some growth added