92 corner bow F/S full set-up

Who got the blueface?

Everything is gone but the sump. (No pump) may be taken in a few weeks, waiting for confirmation on that…
buddy of mine here in Dover got the blueface. going into a 330 double bow. Good people, he will take good care of it.

That’s great! Sorry to see it all go but nice everything went to good homes. The BF will love a big tank like that.

If the sump is still available let me know, I am interested.

Still have it… I can bring it north with me to work and meet somewhere before or after. Whatever is easier.

Pm sent.

Are either of the tanks themselves still available? I might be interested in a tank/stand/hood/lighting for either the 44 or the 92. Do you have pics?

still have a nice sump, 12 x 24 x 18 proclear aquatics sump, w/ 2 overflo boxes and both drain hoses. best offer, and first one to the door gets it!!! had it on the 92 corner with a mag 9.5 pump and no overflow problems.