[quote=“houndsbayman, post:20, topic:5171”]
I agree with you Jon. The only reason I want black eggcrate is because I think it shows the colors of my frags better than the white.[/quote]
[quote=“houndsbayman, post:20, topic:5171”]
I agree with you Jon. The only reason I want black eggcrate is because I think it shows the colors of my frags better than the white.[/quote]
Ok so I threw in a piece of phosphate absorbing pad and BAM! Worries gone! I just get freaked out when people tell me that I am doing something that will screw up the tank. So I guess I should relax, its not that serious. BoNg
[quote=“Gordonious, post:19, topic:5171”]
PVC can leach things into the tank, so it’s best not to use any pipes with your aquarium. [/quote]
Just curious about this, what if you use cpvc? would the cpvc still leach out P04?
I am not a licensed chemist, licensed plumber, nor am I an expert on manufacturing of plastics. Depending on how you define the word leach, just about everything leaches something. I have heard many times that CPVC is to be avoided and have not found a situation in which I could not find what I needed in PVC, so I have never used it with my aquariums.(that I know of)
I would like to see some concrete information regarding phosphate leaching. PVC and CPVC contain no phosphates, and the pigments that are used are heavy metals that are locked within the crystalline formation. Only when exposed to temperatures greater than 70C (Celcius, not Farenheit) will pigments and hazardous dioxins leach out of suspension. PVC is naturally white, and at best contains titanium dioxide as a pigment aid (not phosphate).
PVC is rather inert, which is why it’s used widley in plumbing applications. I think that only specialized PVC which contains additives (ie biocides) would hurt your tank (but the material is much more expensive than the standard stuff you find at hardware stores).
As a note, CPVC is really just PVC that has been reacted with PVC to remove hydrogen bonds, replacing them with chlorine bonds. This changes the physical properties of the plastics, but does not add any phosphates.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:19, topic:5171”]
PVC can leach things into the tank, so it’s best not to use any pipes with your aquarium. Dust can settle into your aquarium from the room, so it’s best to seal them off like a clean room in a lab. If you look at your fish the wrong way they may take it personally and have a mental break down and not live as long. Certainly don’t want to fart in the same room as your tank.
Please sense the sarcasm.
The main reason I believe the algae, and “slime” and so on, appear on the rack is because it is a sterile unsettled, 0 competition surface. After a volcano eruption on an island certain life forms are predicted to appear first and the same thing occurs under water. Try placing a dry piece of base rock in the same aquarium.
Matter can not be created or destroyed, and egg create can not serve as a perpetual source of phosphates.
I wouldn’t worry over egg crate. Actually believe I have some in most of my aquariums at this moment and I am not worrying over it. [/quote]
lOl Dang Jon, looks to me like some people just read the first sentence of your post, or are reacting to the responses posted after it. I think you hit the nail on the head with your last 3 paragraphs. :: ::