Ca Reactor...

[quote=“logans_daddy, post:20, topic:2724”]
Very cool site!

For anyone that is interested this is exactly what we will be demonstrating at the meeting! How to properly tap and thread PVC fittings for reactor construction![/quote]

Note to anyone following along: The way that I am planning on doing it isnt the right way. But it should work for a few holes without much trouble. If you plan on making a bunch of tapped holes, just buy a tap and die kit from Harbor Freight or somewhere.

Shawn… what kind of flow rate should I be looking for on a Re-Circulation pump? I have seen them set up with everything from Maxi-Jets to Mag-Drives. I’m assuming it has to do with the size of your reactor, but any help on figuring that out?

Thats a good question Bellamy. If there is an “ideal” gph rating based on reactor capacity im not sure what it is or how to calculate it. What i can do is give you my experience and thoughts. My guess is that i would rather have a pump that is too big than too small. I cant think of too many disadvantages of having a bigger pump other than it being less energy efficient. A pump that is too small on the other hand will likely allows the media to “cake” together as it disolves which would make it less efficient. Also, with underpowered pumps the water traveling from bottom to top of the react will flow a smaller percentage of media than will a larger one. This is also something that is important to consider when making your dispersion plate!

Another “trick” that has worked for me that im not aware of many people doing is to feed your reactor off a manifold. The obvious benefits is the elimination of a feed pump. The second, more subtle benefit, is that it pressurizes the reactor at a much higher rate than an aqualifter would and keeps your drip tube from clogging. That was the biggest PIA for me with the reactor is that i would have to open up the drip tube periodically because of the Ca residue that would build up. When i put it on my manifold it rarely needed any adjustments. The only downside to doing this is that your reactor needs to be bulletproof. I hooked up a Denitrator that i bought(wont mention the brand) like this and it leaked like a champ. Mind you, that the construction quality was less than up to par.

Just a couple of thoughts. No science to back it up but it works for me!! ;D

Yeah I was planning on running off the return pump for flow in/out. For a recirc pump I was thinking maybe something along the lines of a quietone 1200. It puts out 300gph, wich I was thinking would be good for a smaller reactor. For size of the reactor I’m going with 3" diameter and probably about 1 1/2’ total height. This isn’t going to be running on a huge tank at the moment, so I don’t want to overpower the reactor and have it barley drip into the tank. I would rather be able to get a little more flow through, even if it means that when I upgrade to a larger tank I will have to build a new chamber. Since I’m making them out of PVC, the total cost for a 3" diameter chamber is about 15$. If I wanted to upgrade to a larger chamber in the future I could re-use most of the parts other than the chamber itself.