Hello everyone. Thanks for doing the membership drive it was great to renew my membership after a long time off. Looking forward to reengaging with the club.
:Welcome) :Welcome) to all the new members we signed up. It was a very successful day with 11 new members signing up! A special thanks to all the DRC volunteers, Scott, Diana, Ken, and the Bills, it was a lot more enjoyable having everybody there and showing their support. I was very surprised at our sign up rates. I’d say between 75-80% of the people coming in for SW stuff signed up. I think a big part of the was the extra 10% Charlie at DPA added onto our regular discount, so a big thanks goes out to him.
Again, :Welcome) to all our new members and I hope to see you all at our next meeting, and the frag swap too ;D
:Welcome) to DRC to all new members. Hope to meet each and everyone of you at one of our meetings and of course our frag swap. Thank you goes out to Bryant and Scott and all that volunteer for doing the drive and did a great job recruiting new members. Also, thank you to Charlie for hosting us for the event.
Also, I apologized for not being there, due to other issues. We will try again next time. Again thank you to everyone that put it together and help.