Finally. My 265G, 45G, and RETF vivarium

I was going to say something about the ability to grow SPS, but then decided I didn’t want to be corrected about the ability to grow different species of SPS which may have lower lighting needs so I rewrote the sentence to just quote your words. You were the one that said it. You’re correcting yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no idea what your talking about >LOL<

BTW, that orchid is definatley a Cattleya. I can tell just by looking at it… the pseudobulbs are a pretty good indication too. The only problem with having it in a vivarium is you wont be able to smell it when it blooms… most of them have beauftiful frangraces. Our one that bloomed this year smelled like a combination of lilacs and roses.

wow your so sensitive Bellamy, no wonder Kaleigh loves you so much >LOL<

im only kidding man. i cant wait to have more time to pursue the hobby in greater detail. the good thing is that half the vivarium is screened so i should be able to smell it. when i get a moment i might create a thread looking for a little plant help since a couple of you seem to have a little knowledge on the subject. my results are mixed. ive only lost one plant, some have exploded with new growth, some are doing nothing.

btw. the mandarin is very fat. im not sure if i told you at the time, but i already had a male mandarin that i just wasnt having luck training to eat frozen. well, he starting eating it like a champ and has been in my 34g since living the good life. the madarin i got from you guys is in a 125g and he is HUGE!! If cablereef(a buddy i work with) sees this thread maybe he can post a pic for you. If not send him a pm. I just saw the mandarin last week and couldnt believe my eyes!

Haha, very funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear that the mandarin is well. I have a little expierence with orchids… we have about 25 different ones at the moment. Cattleya are some of the largest and nicest blooms of orchids.

[quote=“icy1155, post:45, topic:2249”]
Haha, very funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear that the mandarin is well. I have a little expierence with orchids… we have about 25 different ones at the moment. Cattleya are some of the largest and nicest blooms of orchids. [/quote]

not to hijack the thread but i’d love to compare notes on orchids sometime…i’ve been collecting orchids as well for a few years,and have been evolved with horticulture for a long time.