The one I’m gonna do is more like 330 or 390 depending on the height
7’ long 3’ deep and 27" to 30" high. Probably gonna go with 27 still little taller then what I have and can still reach the bottom.
I’m also pondering the marine land deep but still want a 7 foot tank but the depth and the height is the same and alot cheaper. Not sure but more interested in the depth and alot cheaper helps also, but just gonna be the problem of getting a tank that big down stairs instead of me building it down there.
Im not sure John, if the 3/8 plexi will hold up ./ I know it will bow with a 48 inch wall. if so, you could put a plexi strap accross it or maybe a SS wire brace to hold the sides in. i have an idea for that.
Here is a tank made by Marc Levenson for Dr. Mac. Notice the nice bracing along the top.
90g Propagation / Frag Tank
I was recently asked to build a 4’ x 3’ propagation tank for DFWMAS, and after a little thinking and a little more time building, this is what they got.
The tank is 48" x 36" x 12", made with 3/8" AcryLite GP. 1.5" drain & 1" return in a corner overflow