I’d like the orange pavona. Do you have more than 1 of the mille? If you are coming to the meeting you can bring it there or to DPA either works for me. Thanks.
beadlocked, they do, but I don’t have the time right now to take pics of each one and post them all.
scottman, have you down for the orange pavona, thanks. I have a second encrusted millie on a smaller frag plug you can have for $15 if you like.
Oh goody! PBJ! I will take both please. ::
Some of the acro frags I have in my frag tank or can make from the mother colonies in my DT
Green slimmer
Red planet
Mint Green turaki
Superman Millie…only fresh cut
ORA green birdsnest…fresh cut
Pearl Berry
What looks like a Bonsai, but not positive
Green stylophora
Orange digitata
How much for the pearl berry?
I can only make you a fresh cut for the Pearl berry, it would be a multi branch frag for $15. If you want a pic of the mother colony I can do that tonight.
I will be taking orders until Monday morning and going to the meeting later that afternoon . I will list orders tonight.
nerak…2polyp clove frag, red shrooms and green shrooms
beadlocked…superman millie and yellow porite
scottman…orange pavona and small superman millie
Will you be bringing them to the meeting tonight? Oh BTW my name is Karen.
Yes, I will be at the meeting tonight
Great! My total is $35 right?
[quote=“houndsbayman, post:24, topic:6772”]
Some of the acro frags I have in my frag tank or can make from the mother colonies in my DT
Green slimmer
Red planet
Mint Green turaki
Superman Millie…only fresh cut
ORA green birdsnest…fresh cut
Pearl Berry
What looks like a Bonsai, but not positive
Green stylophora
Orange digitata[/quote]
I’m interested in a frag of green slimmer, red planet, superman millie, pearl berry, and orange digi. How much for everything? I’ll be at the meeting btw.
That’s correct Karen.
bnelson …each frag is $10 each for a total of $50. the super millie and pearlberry frags will be fresh cuts. Would you like them mounted on a frag plug?
Is it too late to get a green slimmer and pearl berry? Would that be $10 each?
Not too late $20 total. I will be packing everything up at 3pm and heading up to the meeting after all is bagged and ready to go.
thank you to everyone.
Ill take them!
Mortyn02, would you like them mounted on frag plug?
For the people who have shown interest in frags, I will need to know definitely by no later than 2pm. And please let me know if you want them mounted on a plug or not.
Plug sounds good! Thanks
Thanks to everyone who bought frags , good luck with them! YahoO
Corals doing well. Thanks. Orange pavona is crazy bright!!!