Nothing left?
Not at the moment. All frags have currently been spoken for, but if you anyone is looking for something in particular let me know and I could probably have it ready for march.
Next time I would be up for:
Hairy mushrooms w/ purple base and electric green tentacles - 15$
Red skirt zoas, 5 polyp minimum - 5$
I’ll bring extra $ to the meeting, on top of what I already owe you, just incase you have any ready in time.
Probably no zoas this time, but I’ll see what I can do for the green tip shroom. I have to check to see if any are attached to frag plugs or rubble in the tank. I’ll let ya know before the meeting.
don’t forget my purple w/ green tentacles mushroom & my leather - see you tomorrow
Thanks again
I am so sorry - I was not able to make it to the meeting - something came up last minute - if you still have them - I am still interested - I work till 6 pm today (you know where) if you want 2 drop them off here or maybe make arrangement for me to pick them up? - please let me know
Someone else picked up the frags at the meeting. If you are still interested, I will cut a couple more but it will be a couple weeks untill they are ready.
yes still interested - so please if you are willing - I’ll still take the - green tentacle mushroom & the leather - if its cool w/ you - just let me know - again i am VERY sorry!
Just like to say thanks for the frags. They are great PoM
Crazy- I just fragged another of the cabbage leather for you. Did you want the hairy mushroom with the green base and brownish/purpleish tentacles, or the purple base and green tentacles?
Lee- I’m glad to hear you like them. If anyones frags that they got from me dont do well let me know and we’ll work it out.
my xenias are pulsing and growing, buttons fine, shroom is a beauty, lotsa stars, chaeto’s green, mucho thanks. chemi clean has done its job, 20% water changed, but billions of bubbles in the skimmer make tons in the tank. advice?
Our frags are doing great as well! still cant wait to get the zoos!!
[quote=“moliken, post:71, topic:900”]
chemi clean has done its job, 20% water changed, but billions of bubbles in the skimmer make tons in the tank. advice?[/quote]
It just takes a little bit of time for the skimmer to get working again. I just turned it off for a day because it was pumping out more or less straight water.
[quote=“Starryn1ght420, post:72, topic:900”]
Still cant wait to get the zoos!![/quote]
Dont worry, I didnt forget. I just dont know quite where to start on the colony.
Thanks again for the frags! We love the rics.
Icy the xenias are doing awesome and waving like maniacs in the tank and the red shroom looks to be doing well, except it looks like it constantly has a piece of its guts hanging out its mouth.