Galaxia coral

Still not sure what I am going to do with it. I don’t have a quarantine tank up yet and as all the rock came from the same tank didn’t think much need for one. I do have a 10 gallon I can use as one just nothing to use with it. No lighting in the sump right now so I can’t move it there.

What are my inexpensive lighting options for the sump. No fuge yet but may add some LR and/or macro algae in the somewhat near future.

There is practically no difference between having an animal like this in the sump or the display. You may hear of people putting troublesome inverts and fish in a sump to separate them, but a coral or an anemone can have offspring end up in a separate tank that is plumbed together.

Try to get more photos under different lighting if possible. Can you turn on different bulbs? Just the actinic or just the daylight so we can see the animal in different light? How long has it been in the tank? Is it currently in low light or high light? Near the top or near the bottom of the tank. If you move it lower or higher in the tank it may stretch out or flatten out giving us a different look at it. I’ll see if I can pass the pics on for some experts to look over if you can get me a couple more shots.

Maybe a “hidden cup coral”. Google and see if it looks close.

I will try and get some pics tomorrow. I will move it up higher later when I go back downstairs.

Right now the only lights are normal flourescents. And it is at the bottom of the tank. In the front so it is getting some ambient lighting (not much though).

I think I had the tank lights on but they may not have been, can’t remember if I used the flash or not. I’ll take more pictures tonight and make anote of the lighting this time.

So to answer your questions: low lighting (I’ll try and remember to check the wattage of the 2 normal flourescent bulbs); bottom front of tank.

Got the rock (from Gotasplinter) on Sunday (brand new tank) and noticed it Tuesday or Wednesday, I made a note in my log book but that is downstairs. I will be bringing my logbook upstairs later once I do my chemistry tonight to update the excel file with my chem numbers from the past few days, I can let you know if it was Tuesday or Wednesday if it really matters.

So off to do chemistry, get pictures and move it up higher in the tank.

Note, if it is mushroom coral it probably will not really like the brighter light at the top. If it is an anemone it will like the light and might color up more with in a week.

Possibly an Orange Ball Anemone… It is actually a mushroom but named anemone due to its likewise appearance

Looking at pictures online it definately looks like an orange ball anemone. That is the first picture that made me say “hey that’s it”

It is a little pinker but I saw that they can vary in color some.

It does only come out when the lights are out.

Moved it back lower in the tank. Going to redo the aquascaping so not sure where they (there are multiple ones on the rock) will end up.

Should I feed it? Right now waiting for my tank to mature. My ammonia and nitrites have returned to 0. Did my first water change yesterday and my nitrate was 15 about an hour after.

Thanks everyone!