I’d sell one pillar, they weigh 80lbs or so each.
I also have a bucket of rubble liverock, maybe 10lbs? Will trade for a frag.
I’m interested in the rubble rock and I have frags!
Rubble is pending! Still have the big live rock, will break the pillars down if need be.
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:24, topic:6846”]
Rubble is pending! Still have the big live rock, will break the pillars down if need be.[/quote]
80 pounds is way more than i need for my nano. LMK if you do break some down.
Is the MP10 sold or still available?
As of now I’m hanging on to it but if I decide to sell the system (which I’m leaning towards), there is someone in line for it.
Anyone interested in the Live Rock?
Does the 34g Red Sea system you have listed include the MP10?
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:26, topic:6846”]
As of now I’m hanging on to it but if I decide to sell the system (which I’m leaning towards), there is someone in line for it.[/quote]
Just trying to figure out what all is included, if it is LMK, makes it a much easier decision for me.
$200 is just for the RSM system. MP10 and livestock are separate.
If you do decide to definitely sell the tank let me know I do want it.
I am willing to sell just the tank. Have to find a buyer for the livestock first.
Assorted Astraea and nassarius snails
Blue legged crabs
30lbs of live rock
Live sand
Orange monticap
Pink frogspawn
Green monticap
Devils hand
Couple different kinds of mushrooms
Kenya tree
$100 takes it all.
I would take the snails and crabs and shrooms. if that helps find someone for the other stuff.
Prefer to sell all the livestock in one shot but if anyone else is interested in the other stuff, let me know. If I have buyers for everything, don’t care how it works out.
Live rock, MP10es and RO/DI is all that’s left.
Sent u a text message
take it the rdm is gone?
Yes, I had an offer on it I couldn’t pass up. Was planning on keeping it.
MP10es $125
RO/DI $40
Live rock w/brutes/pumps $180
pm sent
MP10es and RO/DI sold.
Liverock is still available!!!
How many gpd does the rodi do
RODI and MP10 are sold, sorry.
Still have the liverock, brutes, powerheads and 100g worth of salt for $150.