Has anyone seen William Greenbank's TURTLE???????

Way to go Bill, lol. Keep us on track when you missed 3 posts. :stuck_out_tongue: I mean never mind. We are organizing a search party. Bill you cover the East half of Wilmington. I’ll check my basement. Craig you check your basement. :smiley:

BJ if you don’t want to hear the differences skip that post. I didn’t mention any scientific names or anything like that. It’s ok if you make your family business is a pet shop and you don’t know the difference. It’s all good. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

The difference might seem minor, but the fact is it’s about as different as a fresh water fish and a salt water fish. They are both fish, but there are some differences. In this forum it was debated we open a “herp” section for all the reptile geeks that frequent the boards. I wasn’t stating that anyone was a moron or that everyone here since they like one type of animal should know everything about every other animal. If you were in a different forum and you heard someone was talking about Jack Dempseys being one of the most aggressive fish you could keep in a salt water tank… you might mention something if you were already posting for some other reason.


He has  been located.  YahoO GolfC

Damn, he figured it out. I wanted to see how long he’d driving around looking for it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

ok… and neither one of your arguments make any sense.
turtle doesnt =tortoise. BUT tortoise indeed = turtle. so the point is, that the statement at question here, was true. now…
saltwater fish doesnt = freshwater. freshwater fish doesnt = saltwater fish. BUT!!! fish = both. so if someone posts about a missing jack dempsey, would u feel the urge to tell everyone that u know that a jack dempsey is freshwater? thats pretty much what happened.

AND!!! the family business is nowhere near a pet shop. its a fish store. someone with such detective skills to know differences between turtles and tortoises should of been able to figure that out on the first visit to the store. at least MOST of my customers do… LMAO!

Well it appears as if the terms “Tortuise” and “Turtle” are American and the definition of each changes when you move around the world. From what I saw in a quick search it was often said Tortuise can not swim and turtles required some water. Another reason I suppose why we should stick to more specific naming. I am not sure why you got seemingly so offended by the currection.

We could argue in circles, but I’d rather just let it go. It is really a mute point.

If you don’t consider fish pets or an LFS pet shop thats alright. Different viewpoint I suppose, not really sure why it cracks you up though that I would call an LFS a type of pet shop.

I wasn’t trying to insult you and I’m not sure why you seem to have taken it personally, I’d rather just let it go.

Nothing was taken personal, or offended. I just wanted to point out that the correction was false. That’s all.

two men enter one man leave!

[quote=“andrewk529, post:27, topic:3316”]
two men enter one man leave![/quote]


What’s a “Tortuise”? a French Turtle?

It is really a mute point.

is the point mute? or moot? :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, bad enough we have the former English teacher/editor on the boards. Now there’s a girl reading to.

Or is there…

[quote=“andrewk529, post:6, topic:3316”]
I remember Billy was shot during a robbery a few years ago, the store is definitely in a shady area. My guess is that it was some kids who stole the tortoise.[/quote]

Bill wasn’t shot it was Lee from Talls aquarium. Lee passed away.
I talk to bill all the time he is a good guy as I’m a regular at his store.
As for the bad reviews on his store about being prejudice that was taken out of context. He’s a good dude.

I like Bill. He is passionate about his store.