I’m on vacation starting tomorrow, I hope to pick up a skimmer from billrob over the weekend then I can make up the deviders for the fuge. Then its just a matter of some salt and some water and it will be up and running.
Then it has to cycle for a few weeks then ill start moving things over. Depends on the money left over after bills though, might be broke and then ill just have to go metal detecting in the woods all week, lol not a bad thing.
Ok day 25, lots of green hair alge, so i added a turbo snail and a couple black snails to see if they will help clean it up. The turbo snal is doing a great job so far and in 24 hrs has gotten the top of one rock looking much better. Im currently working on the plumbing on the 40 long and should have water in it by the end of the day for a test run.
anyway here is a video of the 10 gallon, excuse my horrrible video work…
Cool little video and tank… At least you can practice battling hair algae in the small tank ::
is the 40 running yet?
Hey john, 40 isnt running just yet. I got the overflow plumbed from the 40 into the 29 fuge done, and the suction line from the 29 fuge to the return pump done. still need to work on the pump outlet side and mill the slots for the divider in the fuge. I have also come up for a way to make a filter assembly that would hold charcoal and filter media as part of the suction side of the pump that will be mounted inside the fuge and will keep me from having to make another divider and also giving me more room in the fuge.
Once this is all done im going to make a mini submersible r/c lawn mower to take care of the GHA ::
Ok its day 32 of having the 10 gallon tank up and running, you will have to compair this video with the last one to see the difference in the reduction of the green hair alge YahoO I have not pulled any of the hair alge, its all being cleaned up by 1 turbo snail and 3 black snails that I added in on 11-4-11. You can also see the growth of the coraline alge on the base rock. I love my clove polyp i got from DPA in the lower right in the tank, previously was in the upper left but it didnt seem to like it there so i moved it. The 40 long is up and running now and has the substrate in it as of yesterday, just letting it filter through for a little bit and getting the temp stabilized, adjusting the salinity, then will start transferring some of the seeded rock from the 10 gallon.
Ok heres the video…
- YouTube
Looking good :: that snail looks huge in that 10g :
OK day 40, Whos got GHA now “saltcreep” :: and my coraline alge growth is very good in IMO.
The rocks i zoom in on were nothing but plain dry base rock when this tank started and you can see its doing pretty well, nothing added to boost its growth. When i started the tank i scraped some coraline algae off a rock i purchased, ground it up, and poured it into the tank te seed it. Think i might try making my own rock and seeding it up next. Im enjoying this ::
ok heres the video
Great coraline growth :: looks good, and like i said earlier, you’ve got a little 10g doing great the bigger tanks should be a piece of cake.
btw… the gha… what did the most damage on it?
[quote=“saltcreep, post:68, topic:4319”]
Great coraline growth :: looks good, and like i said earlier, you’ve got a little 10g doing great the bigger tanks should be a piece of cake.
btw… the gha… what did the most damage on it?[/quote]
The turbo snail did the most damage on it, would completly clean a rock in 24 hours.