the only word for these frags are awsome thanks again
Thanks mech0522, hope the frags are doing fine. Someone asked me a couple of good questions and I thought I should share my answer with everybody.
Some of these corals are the ones that I first started with when I decided to get into having a reef tank., like the orange digi and the tri-color zoas. Everything else that I have for sale is in my tank at least a year and a half or more.
I have been into reefing for 6 years now. My username is portjeffski on Reef Central, didn’t want to start all over again by changing ny username. You can check out my pics in the photo gallery. The corals are under M/H 250 watt 12k Reeflux bulbs. I use this bulb on both my DT and my frag setup.
Teal stag w/ blue tips… SOLD OUT
tri-colorszoas…sold out
orange digitata/small…sold out
Teal stag…sold out
hydnopora…sold out
If you still have them I am up for these:
- Green Slimer great color fast grower 5- 2"frags…$15
Or larger if smallers sold out. - Flourescent green cup coral brilliant color 5-3" frags…$20
- Purple polyp birdsnest 2’ frags…$15
If you shoot me a PM a couple days before I will see if I have additional cash for more. Going to see if I can manage the trip down to Dr. Mac’s on the day the DVRC is going if not I will work something out before hand.
Ted would you mind picking up mine if I am not able to make it down? I could get you the cash ahead of time plus a couple extra bucks for gas.
Ok. I have what you want and will hold them for you.
Green cup coral…sold out
Do you still have the tri-color zoas available if so I would love to purchase a frag
No problem. I still need to hook up with you and get that black egg crate, too. I’m already driving down to go to Dr Macs that day, so $ for gas is not needed.
Frags on the other hand … … are always accepted!
- ted
What I have so far:
tri- color zoas $14-20(?)/frag
orange digi-small
ronert $15
yellow millie $10
green cup $20
Teal stag $20
Green Slimer $15
Purple polyp birdsnest $15
Wanna update whats still available in case i make the trip today?
These frgas are available.
red mushrooms zoas slimer
4.yellow porities w/ brown polyps
5.Orange digi…multi branch frag
6.purple polyp birdsnest
7. hairy polyp rose millie
Sneaky, if you come down and really want something soldout, I can take a frag from my D/T. I also have other colonies of stuff you can choose from.Just give me a call.
Do you have pictures of the green slimer and pick zoas?
Yeah shows how much i pay Thanks babe!
I would like one of the green slimers and a yellow millie. If you get anymore frags of the orange digi I would like one of those also. I am going to be heading out of town again on Sunday and I won’t be back until the 14th. If there is some way I could get the money to someone that is making the trip and they could hold the frags for me until the March meeting I would be forever grateful. I work in Newark and will be around the rest of this week. Just Pm me if we can work something out. Thanks.
P.S. I just got some new frags that eventually I will be willing to trade. I got a frag of red montipora setosa,
sunset monti, vivids rainbow delight acro, ora’s rosco blue, dr. macs blue monster tort, and I will soon have ora pearlberry and red planet.
Thx John your tank set-up is awesome! To all those getting frags you won’t be disappointed. Weird thing is the green slimer was really green even in the baggie while it was floating but as soon as I started acclimating it went beige (of course polyps will recede but why the skele?)
SPS corals will do that. It will be fine, give it some time to get settled in.
Yellow millie…sold out
You got PM. Any chance we can come down this afternoon (12-1ish?) to grab our frargs, greenfishy’s and Ians?
Thanks for the frags! I’m glad we made the trip down, you have an awesome system.
Thanks to Greenfishyandham and you. Hope your frags do well. It was a pleasure meeting everyone. And I hope Ian and Starrynight are happy with their frags as well.
Hey John, Frags look great! Everything has it’s polyps out. I’ll paypal you the $$ tonight. Too bad I didn’t get too come down and see your tanks, maybe next time!?
Thanks Ian,you can stop by anytime. Glad to hear everything looks good.Enjoy