Need Help Identifying (again!)

This thread is a perfect example of what our club is all about. Good job of asking questions and fellow reefers giving advice to help another reefer combat a problem.

Gordonious, By the way… see all that purple on the back glass? Not a drop of Purple Up to make it happen… :slight_smile: Referring to the other palmface thread.

Amazing colony

Nice pic

[quote=“grogers, post:22, topic:2825”]
Gordonious, By the way… see all that purple on the back glass? Not a drop of Purple Up to make it happen… :slight_smile: Referring to the other palmface thread.[/quote]

Not sure which thread you were referring to. I have yet not made a post in the forum titled “Purple Up?”.

i got a question regarding the peppermint shrimp in a reef… and yes i checked ,they’re peps…not camels…
i got two frags the other day, pollicopora and a birdsnest… i know its soon for my tank.package deal…lol… but they’re up high…doing good except for the shrimp that have them picked clean to the skeleton.half of each… the frags are very healthy… one in particular was going nuts on it, wathcing him rip out polyps one by one… jon u can have em…how do i catch them…remember its a 125

chances are the frags were RTNing(Rapid Tissue Necrosis aka dying) and the shrimp were eating the dead “flesh”. Its no different than a person that sees a crab eating a dead fish and making the assumption that the crab killed the fish.

Got a pic to show…my 1st sps so not sure whaat its supposed to look like.(it did look like pics i compared on web)…but the parts that still look good/ with polyps, is what the whole skeleton was covered in…couldn’t even see the skeleton before the shrimp got to it… the next night i put the frag in the fuge after lights out, to keep it safe…thats when the birdnest got it…dont have a good pic of that, back of tank, and the back of it eaten, but same exact thing, looked great, couldnt even see the skeleton, so covered in colorful green… now it look half stripped as well…whatta ya think??

ya thats dying… you should not see white skeleton

When you got the frags did you “dip” them in an iodine solution b4 putting them in your tank? did you acclimate them with some water from your tank? If you placed them right into your tank, very good possiblity that they got stressed out and what you are seeing is just what Shawn said,RTN.
Another habit I got into when introducing new SPS frags into my system is I place new frags on bottom of tank for a couple of days, so they can adjust to my lighting.

No dip, no acclimation…just from another members bucket right in… into a tank thats not mature…even quite ready for these possibly… they came as part of a great trade deal, so i figured what the hell ( i don’t want to kill anything, but i’ll keep a close eye) So what you guys are saying makes sense to me…i’l put the shrimp trap on hold for now… …and you guys that have birdsnest and pollicopra…do you have peppermint shrimp in the DT with them…???
thanks for all the input everyone

at least its more civil around here than in that purple up discussion i started…LOL

Welll… i can pull this card

You ******** idiot WTF are you doing… THIS is NOT how it is suppose to be done. I just KNOW it… IT makes NO sense…

lol jplaying

Last night, went to be w/ half a healthy birdsnest frag, this morning woke up to 2 shrimp on the frag…the frag has about 3 polyps left on it… is everyone sure about these shrimp? if so, then these frags are dying overnight when they looked so healthy??? i asked last night…does anyone have pep shrimp in their dt w/ pollicopora or birdsnest???

Really no help here. I can tell you that I yanked some from my tank when I found that they were eating zooanthids. But to be fair, I may not have had the correct species (I can never tell).

if so, then these frags are dying overnight when they looked so healthy?
welcome to the world of SPS!! its called RAPID Tissue Necrosis for a reason. There are threads on Reefcentral where people will have thriving SPS tanks for years and literally lose entire colonies over night. Its happened to me.

Dying is the ONLY thing that SPS do fast!! ;D

Quite true Shawn.

It very well could have been a million and one factors. I think it is a bit early to be adding most stonies to your tank especially most of what hobbyist called SPS. Birdsnest in my opinion would be one of the most hardiest “SPS” commonly kept right behind Montipora capricornis. We can not put a finger on exactly what happened so my advice would be to slow down a bit. 99% of the corals seen in the hobby are seen over and over again. You are VERY unlike to come across something you will not see again.

Anxious to burn some $ on the hobby and have time to spend on the hobby? Might I suggest a couple of books while you wait for your tank to mature a bit more. Delbeek and Sprung’s “The Reef Aquarium” books are very good general reads which are very detailed, but not too overboard. Very useful information. Borneman’s “Aquarium corals” is a very detailed book as far as it’s descriptions of corals, and it’s first couple and last couple of chapters have some very good husbandry information. Finally I’d suggest picking up a pocket guide to inverts. Always fun to flip through to learn all the little critters that exist in your tank.

It’s good to try to figure out exactly what happened, but also may be a good lesson learned here in that it may be time to put the breaks on a little bit as far as acquiring new animals go.

NO, definately dont have money to burn…esp w/ the new light coming… and the corals were part of a trade deal. thats the only reason there in there. i would have never bought them at this point… and what everyone is saying makes sense, about rapid dying… but the parts the shrimp didnt eat still look good… if they are rapidly dying because of my tank, would all the polyps be affected??? i’m still not conviinced that these shrimp aren’t evil lil bastards!
2 caught…1 still at large

Oh, i am trying not to be the typical F*ing new guy… i have plenty experience in salt water… at least how NOT to do it…LOL

if they are rapidly dying because of my tank, would all the polyps be affected???

no, not at all. a coral could look 100% healthy(full polyp extension, bright colors, etc) right up to the point of the approaching white line of death(RTN). the ONLY thing you can do to head it off is frag the coral. break off the healthy portions anywhere from 1/2" to 1" away from the dying portion and mount them on a plug. you could try this now but my guess is it wont have much of an impact because its likely due to your tank being immature but its still worth a try.

SPS are tricky. they can seem VERY easy when everything is good but crash so quick because of the most seemingly smallest thing. they can also live but not thrive(brown with no PE) for a long time to in poor tank conditions. im not sure what conditions trigger a meltdown(RTN) vs conditions that simply keep the coral from thriving(brown, faded, no PE) but boy does it make keeping SPS fun!!!

I’ll keep you updated. i may try to frag it, but i def, caught the 2 shrimp that i saw doing it… what you say makes perfect sense, but those two shrimp are outta here…at least send a message to the others bout how it’s done around here… lol