Needed: asterina starfish

they also use xenia for pom poms, if you got em.

[quote=“kaptken, post:21, topic:5970”]
they also use xenia for pom poms, if you got em.[/quote]

“pulsing pom-poms” that would be the coolest >IDEA<

I found the boxer crabs on just to read a little more about them. I’d never really heard of them before and it turns out they’re probably the coolest thing i’ve ever heard of and now i need one haha. but that being said, under the testimonials, this is what it says:

“If the anemenes become stressed and die, the crab will go on, but I have never seen them find new anemones. I have never had anemones breed to make little baby ones for the crab to grab onto. Once gone, the crab will become even more reclusive since it won’t have its major defensive shields for confidence.”

[quote=“kaptken, post:21, topic:5970”]
they also use xenia for pom poms, if you got em.[/quote]

if the anenomes die, would they trim the xenia themselves? god knows i’ve got PLENTY xenia lying around. If so, i’m getting one this weekend. ha