New member intro

[quote=“saltcreep, post:34, topic:2865”]
Thats exactly where i stand, i just hope that i’ll be able to keep good parameters. we’ll have to see. stay tuned[/quote]

Depends on what you would define on good. Your nutrient levels(including nitrates and phosphates) will likely be grossly elevated in comparison to what any of the animals in your tank would encounter in the wild. To what extent and how much this bothers you will be a personal opinion.

9 weeks old…still a baby, but going great!

looking good salt

Looks very nice!

Looking good so far!

[quote=“saltcreep, post:39, topic:2865”]
The tangs go nutz over broccoli that i soak in saltwater w/ fresh garlic, in particular the naso… very cool fish… but then he drops serious broccoli confetti bombs, look likes green snow in the tank… and the snails and shrimp love it… one mans trash, anothers treasure scenario.[/quote]

if you are using fresh broccoli or romaine, a good practice is to freeze it before you offer it. I’ve heard that this aids in the fish’s abililty to digest it. I feed bananas and zucchini on occasion, the trigger and the clown really love the banana.

Wow, bananas really… and you dont have any problems and they eat it? Not really their normal diet. But i guess you can feed them their normal food like plastic bags and rusty cans…

Is there any good articles to read about what you can feed… that you can suggest? i’m all about the homemade food. i’ll have to try freezing the broccoli.i was wondering if it was supplying nutrition or just fun for the fish to chew on because it seems to go right through the naso, it comes out looking just like broccoli but chewed up.

And thanks everyone for the comments on the tank!

Yeah John…and pretty soon we’re gonna have to start dosing crude oil in order to mimic their natural habitat if we dont start putting a foot up these oil companies arses!

Hey, Hey, Hey… $hit happens. There where saftey measures, and they failed. Maybe they could have been checked more but Transalantic (i believe) was in charge of the actual rig. I feel BP is taking responsibility but i feel that it was just a freak accident. We need oil, and we need as much as we can get. We are not at the point where alternative fuels can feed the country… I think drilling for oil is necessary… But with all things there are buts that can happen, and in this case it did.

Do you think a Angel would take brocolli?

I agree w/ part of what you said, but i believe that $$$ was / is the main factor that determines what safety measures were taken… and if they can’t give a 100% guarantee that this will never happen again, then i’ll gladly live by candlelight. And anyone that believes that the oil companies dont weigh out the cost between cleaning up a spill, or preventing one…well…thats a whole other discussion…lol

Well what is ironic is that BP campaigns on being the greener gas lol. Any graduate of statistic knows that there is never a 100% chance on something. Things can be very likely, but never 100%. There will be another oil spill, will it be as bad as this, probably not. This is, i feel, and isolated disaster. Im sure there where shortcuts, but what it comes down to is that the pipe broke below the failsafes, and the failsafes that they did have were then useless.

Beautiful tank saltcreep.

Hi, I am Chris and new to this site and marine aquariums. I got into it about a year ago and one problem after another and was refered to this site to get some advice on some problems! My newest problem is I have a fish with POP Eye and not sure what to do, I have read so much contidicting imformation. I have a 35 gallon reef tank with fish, invertabrae, and live coral. Any suggestions???

Well first off WELCOME, secondly start a new thread with your problem and introduction, that wayit will get everyones attention. Not everyone will look in saltcreeps thread… welcome

WELCOME tepfenhart! Are you coming to the meeting tomorrow? (5/17/10 at William Penn HS @7pm I believe) Should come if you can and hopefully we’ll be able to answer many of your questions. Also agree with Machingbandjs, it would be best to start another thread.

[quote=“saltcreep, post:48, topic:2865”]
Is there any good articles to read about what you can feed… that you can suggest?[/quote]

The man you want to listen to here is named Scott Michael(though I often call him Michael Scott because my girlfriend and I are big friends of “The Office”) He has many pocket guide books out as well as some more detailed article.

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:50, topic:2865”]
Hey, Hey, Hey… $hit happens.[/quote]

I’m sure a guy stupid enough to leave a shot gun loaded on the coffie table alone with his 3 year old boys might say the same thing. “Shit happens” It doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be held responsible and doesn’t mean society should let him keep his gun permit or purchase any more guns.

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:50, topic:2865”]
We need oil, and we need as much as we can get. We are not at the point where alternative fuels can feed the country… [/quote]

I’m with saltcreep, I’d rather live by candlelight if need be. Why in the world would alternatives ever become an option if oil is so cheap? Keep the people who stand to profit off of drilling out of Washington. Raise taxes on fosil fuels and shoot that money back into alternatives.

Plain and simple the dream of retiring to a tropical beach front property won’t be had by our children. The oceans are acidifying and you and I very well may see the day, before we pass, that the majority of what were corals reefs will be nothing but cyano bacteria and jelly fish.

well thats ok… lol i want to retire inthe mountains and will be dead in 80 years… lol jk


2 new test kits… survey says
kh 8
Mg 1000
I read that mg should be triple the calcium?? i’m using i/o reef crystals and need a new bucket for this weekends w/c. Are other brands mixed more accurately? or is this typical and requires supplementing?