Again I would like to thank everyone for the encouraging words. As of now three fans and a dehumidifier have to do the rest of the work. I know some water got under the stand I just don’t know how much. I cut out two 3x3 holes in the luan in the front. I can’t really access the rest of the bottom due to the sump/fuge. I could drill done very small holes in other places if anyone thinks that would help. Thanks again!

This is why I moved my sump to my basement. I had my skimmer overflow in my sump and because my skimmer was so big the cup would leak out of the sump and onto the floor! Girlfriend was pissed and that was my justification for the basement sump. Needless to say since I put the sump down there I carpet has been completly dry!PBJ! Now have I flooded my basement? I guess it depends on your definition of flooded. But I have had several gallons on the floor but a broom pushes it to the French drain and wala it’s dry.

So I think everything is dry! I had two blowers, two fans, and a dehumidifier going since Monday. I have been rotating the blowers on all sides of the tank and emptying the dehumidifier daily. Anyone think I should keep everything going for a little longer? Let me know your thoughts.

Sounds like your did a great job on cleanup.

Now you’ll be prepared for the next time it overflows… and there will be a next time. Mwa haw haw lOl

Great! I would leave the dehumidier on for a couple weeks set a little under your normal ambient.

I wish I wasn’t blue screened out of the first page :frowning:

I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but my rug doctor sucks up water like nothing else.

Hey Bryant that is happening to me as well I found that if you click on club forum and look at it that way then it doesnt give you that blue screen as it does if you try to look at it by clicking in recent topics on the left side.