protein skimmer pump problems

That pump sounds like a safety hazard.

apparently the guy at seaside aquatics thought i had the NAC6 so for me he said only an external pump would work and there wasn’t a modification kit he could send. So i found another Atman ph2500 for like 30 buck with the 1 year warranty so im going with that rather than tearing up a perfectly good skimmer. Round 2 ding ding ding… if i get screw twice then external pump here i come!! Thanks for all the help!!

So i finally got all the protein skimmer pump problems fixed for now. I just went with the same pump cause i found it real cheap, however the design of the entire skimmer made it very difficult to reinstall in the cone of the skimmer. So long story short the new pump is here and i used PVC attachments and rubber seals to create and external pump for this skimmer. Thanks for everyones advice and help!!! YahoO YahoO YahoO YahoO

Glad I could help!lol,it was also nice meeting you

[quote=“Newphish26, post:22, topic:6634”]
So i found another Atman ph2500 for like 30 buck with the 1 year warranty[/quote]

Where did you end up buying the pump?

Got it off of eBay