lol so is this his advice move to europe so this is legal>> slap-stick how often do you feed and how much
Feeding has ceased! I don’t do the feeding and I think that’s part of my problem! Feeding was a pinch here and a pinch there. I think the problem is my girlfriend walks by and she says they look hungry so guess what!? She feeds them. Well I have been fighting her to stop feeding as much so that’s wherre I’m at right now.I know food=poop=nitratesbut its hard toget here to understand that
And its not just legal to beat ur wife in europe! In the state of texas its legal as long as its not in public! I livedthere and was married there!
ha don’t do it
I only see 3 fish that will get large. 1 med and the rest are small and will not be that big. So, with that said, I don’t see where the issue is. Unless there’s more behind the rocks that I can’t see. For the size of the tank bio load shouldn’t be an issue.
Are you wanting to add more fish, Jason?
nice blue acro! fish are nice too
I’m not so much worried about the few fish that will get big.I was asking how much is too much? I was starting to think my nitrates being high was due to having to many fish in my tank. My parameters are ph8.0,mag 1440,trates25,alk8.9,kh is3.19 stronium is 5 and calc is 470
Your nitrate were already high before all the fish right? so, if it’s not the fish then it must be something else that is producing the nitrate. And I’m guessing your cutting down on feeding? have you check since you cut down?
“A” I just got my gf to understand in the past few days about the now I will be able to monitor the trates a bit better now.
By the way, those are some nice fat and healthy looking fish. Love the V tang. Wish I can have a bigger tank for one.
Keep us posted on the trates.
I hadn’t realized you were trying to keep stony corals as well. I would really look at stepping up the water changes and reducing the feeding. You can tell your feeding assistant you will need to sell some of your fish to reduce the bio load and help pay for salt to do the water changes because of all the over feeding.
Oh and in terms of quantity of water 10-20% is often best, but depends on the tank. I would say 20% if things are not doing well. If it isn’t really affordable then I wouldn’t consider purchasing any new corals or fish as that money could be better used for salt.
So your saying I should do 10 to 20% weekly?
he’s saying 20%