The Ichy Mess

This is a great thread.

I have been in this hobby for many years. I worked at a LFS for over 6 years and I can definitely without a doubt tell you that every fish in the stores system will have been exposed to ich, and any number of other nasties. I have a science degree and I am a researcher by profession, but having said that I do believe actual experiences are how we learn the most. I read alot…LOL… I have read just about every thread there is on ich that I could find on RC just because I am always interested in gaining insight into all things salty.

I don’t QT fish even though I agree with most everything Jon has said. If I ran a fish only setup I might try to achieve an ich free system, but the amount of work that it would take to do this in a reef setup is not something I can do. Do to my work I am out of town quite frequently and there is no way I could maintain the number of qt tanks it would require. You would have to qt everything, rock, corls,inverts, snails, ect… I have always had good success with great water quality, great diet, and keeping stress to a minimum. Does this mean I never lose a fish? Nope. I just lost my purple tang. It was the first and only fish in the 95g. I put it into the display tank knowing that it was exposed to all kinds of parasites, but it had been in the LFS for 3 weeks, was eating, and showed no obvious signs of ill health. I have no idea what killed this fish. Thankfully this is not something that has happened to me very often. I think over the ten years that I have been keeping salt water I have lost 6 fish to various mishaps.

I have a very fat and healthy hippo in my 39g. He should not be there, and by all accounts must be stressed somewhat by the small tank even though he is only 2.5". I was offered the fish by someone getting out of the hobby and since I new I was going to be adding a larger tank soon decided to go for it. This fish had a few spots on and off for about 2 weeks and has been free since then. He is one of the healthiest hippo’s I have seen in a long time. I think letting a fish build a good immune system will benifit it in the long run since I know future additions of anything to the tank will likely be carrying parasites, bacteria, fungus, you name it.

I do believe in doing everything to stack the odds in favor of the fish over the parasite. I run a properly sized uv on my tanks. I know it won’t eliminate the parastites, but it can reduce the numbers. I also add garlic a few times a week to the fishes food as it certainly doesn’t hurt. Over the years this system has worked well for me, I have lost very few fish to ich, (only two that I can say for sure), and have had many more survive without any specific treatment other than good water and diet.

These are just my experiences and what works for me. I think everyone needs to do the research and then draw their own conclusions based on experience and good advice from knowledgable hobbiest. I think alot of newbies get into trouble when they add too many fish too fast to a tank that is not able to handle the bioload. If you have a fish that dies of ich, or at least you are fairly certain it did, it makes since to wait a few weeks before attempting to add another. Why tip the scales in favor of the parasites?

Sorry for the long ramblings. It is hard to disscuss this topic when writing as there is so much to say about it from so many different prospectives.

ok… i got a sweet deal for anyone interested.

i just saw i can get Heteropsammia cochlea this week. brand new to any list i have looked at anyhow, and im curious to try one myself! 55 bux each, my cost… drops to 45 if i get 3 or more. i am gonna get one myself, but wanted to offer anyone interested the opportunity to get one at my cost! sort of a black market/group buy thing. let me know… they seem easy enough to keep from what ive read on them. but they move! let me know, ill be placing the order tuesday night for thursday.

Did a little research and found out that these corals are very rare and very interesting symbiotic association with a small invertebrate called a sipunculid or peanut worm. Your price is very cheap considering its rarity.

its cost bro!!! trying to let anyone in on it this week!

Figures… I’m down in Florida, and your getting the cool new corals… Saw these on the divers den the other day for the first time.

Intereseted wondering about the care of Aspieosiphon muelleri and if these guys require each other. HAte to buy one which comes with the other and I can’t care for them. I too was just seeing the listed online for the first time yesterday. I wonder if there are some new collectors or something. Regardless put me down for one if you can get them for 45. If I find out any more details I will post. Do you need anything for shipping?

There is just brief mentions of them in my books, but nothing about captive care.

Seems like if you get the coral, you get the worm. I have had peanut worms in a tank before… they lived in the rock for at least 2 years… I’m guessing if their “rock” moved around they could then get even more food. Probably not much option for fragging, but they seem to be a really neat species.

Wow just realized this thread was older then I thought it was. Suppose I missed out on this. That is alright, I pulled the thread up to see if I could back out anyways. Did you get one? How is it doing? Moving? Pics?

I don’t have one… not enough room/money at the moment.

i ended up passing myself… for the same reasons. not sure what care the worm would need. AND i have a few agressive species kinda close to the bottom of my tank ie: bubble, frogspawn, etc… and i dunno if the coral can yell down to the worm if he gets to close and started getting sting!!! lol i will check the list and see if they r on again if anyone is interested. lmk