Turf Scruber

Actually I like that and it would work great.
I emailed Marty for the account number
Then we would just create one email address at membership@delreefclub.org
No need for the paypal@delreefclub.org The emails could get forwarded to Marty for the $$ and New member info

I’d rather have the two addresses segregated. One for forms and questions and one solely for payments.


I looked up the paypal business standard which should work for us. In the application it asks for an address. What do we wan to use or should we look into a po box? this would also give us a mail in option.

It says information will not be shared with customers. Should we use an officers address?

The transaction fee will be 1.9% and $.30 which we could add on to the amount of the membership. If the person pays with a credit card it would be 2.9% + $.30.

Also before we get too far do we want to keep the membership rate at the lower $10? And do we want to have a family rate?
I lowered it to $10 because we were not using the money. If we pick up 15 sponsors for the current year at $100 + membership fees we will take in roughly $1700. My take is that we raise it to $12.95 for the paypal button. I also think we could pick up some more paid members by offering them a discount through the email system for upgrading to a paid membership.

There are also some cool options on paypal that allow you to setup the payment as a subscription. I think we should not use this one as of yet. (maybe have it as a option.

MArty has been out of town and wil get me the account info this week

Hey craig… I may actually be interested in this. You still offering it for 25$? If so I’ll take it at the meeting.

Crap - I just agreed to sell it, but the lady is kinda being a PITA. If she keeps it up it’s yours. I’ll have to let you know tomorrow.

Got the account numbers.
Email address are added.

Marty is going to set up the accounts to be viewed online. As of now the President and Treasurer will have the password. Do we need all officers to have access? We can change the password when I step down. Hopefully Marty can have online viewing set up by Tuesday. Then I will set up the account and verify the deposits. I will start to create the page and will not post till ready.

Paypal needed a customer service phone number to complete the setup. I used my cell phone. We nned to figure what we want to do about the number or can we later change it to a bogus number 302 555 1212

[quote=“a1amap, post:26, topic:657”]
I will start to create the page and will not post till ready.[/quote]
Do you need help w/this?


Add this code

to this page http://delreefclub.org/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=36&mosmsg=Item+successfully+saved.

It should add a button that looks like this: but it actually works. I can’t seem to get it to work on that page. I think I need to turn off the WYSIWYG editor to add it then turn back on; is this correct?

After you get it up, click it to see if it goes to paypal with our email address and the amount should be $10.50. That will cover the 1.9% + the $.30 fees

Hey Ted can we change the code for the button. Everybody is paying with a credit card or a visa logo card so they charge us more.

I will change the amount to reflect $10.60

This form shows up as 21.20 (or something near that) in PayPal. It’s on the page currently.

Somehow I got a shipping charge in there. Here is the new code


KOOL! Yous guys are Good!!

But not the best in the state …

Holy fishsticks, Batman … Ken’s got more posts that me !!!

Pass The Tartar Sauce,… PLEASE!!

Did you end up selling this craig? If not we are still interested.

Hey Bellamy - sorry I did end up selling it that weekend.

Ok, just wanted to check so that I could tell my friend if it was sold or not.