Relocating my business and cant take my tank. So its gotta go. 750g tank with 250g sump. Tank is "120x"41x"32. Comes with Tank, Steel stand, 2 mag 1800, 1 off brand 900, and all plumbing. Currently has a show hippo, cloudy cat shark, lg lion, and a yellow tang. Fish are optional. $2500 OBO.
How’s the tank setup is it drilled or built in overflows and are they on an end or the back?
I would love to see this tank! Where is it located?
The tank has built in overflows and drilled 4 times in the back for returns. Its located in Cambridge MD.
What are the black lines running through the middle?
Is the tank made out of glass or acrylic?
The straps are from when I resealed it. The tank is glass and when I set it up I resealed it and put straps around it to hold it tight. I have a strap around the top that I haven’t removed because I have it free standing and I use all precautions. Its still set up and running with no leaks. I had an aggressive reef but I moved all my corals to a tank in my house. I really wouldn’t get rid of this tank if I didn’t have to.
who made the tank. i guess its a custom size.
It was a custom tank. I have no clue who made it. Its about 8 years old. At least that’s what I was told.