125g tank $150

6ft 125g tank non reef ready no overflows, oak trim, HOB overflow box available, 2x4 stand available. Currently set up as a holding tank, will be drained this weekend, will need a cleaning but in overall good condition. $150. Email me at Hockey9885@aol.com if interested, located in Newark, DE. Will take trades (corals, LEDs, skimmers, AIO tanks/cubes, aggressive fish) can take or give cash with trade.

I may be interested in a trade… I am looking to upgrade in size and go fish only so I can trade my corals and some other things. I will email you.

sent you a pm

PM returned. Tank will hopefully be ready next weekend, working out details in my new tank. $100 gets it.

Ok, so you don’t want the corals? I still want the tank. Do u have pics? Any scratches, dings, nicks, bad seams?

Sending pm.

Since my new tank isn’t 100% I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking any new livestock.

Just curious… have you sold the tank yet?