1st corals!!

Well today I received 4 ricordeas that i ordered from reefcentral. I placed them on some rubble and put them in jars but did not actually glue them to the rocks. I hope this is the right way? Anyways im very excited, and ill post some pics soon. How fast do they grow?

Sounds like you did good ::thumbsup:: pics would be nice though. I don’t have any ricordea myself, but i hear they’re slow growers…

they grow super slow.

Just a little tip. With a tall jar you can achieve extremely low flow. I found large empty butter tubs to work better. Blocks some flow from the sides, but still allows the area to… “breath” a bit. All depends on the local flow patterns in that area of the tank.

Compared to Discosoma and Rhodactis mushrooms they are very slow in my experience. On that note these may become hobby distinctions name wise soon. These corals are soon to be reclassified or may have already according to one of the reef club’s old officers.

my problem is they didn’t come on rocks and I’m having trouble making them stay on live rock rubble. they keep falling off the rocks i place them on. Can they just be on sand?

They’d prob just roll away in the current… like an expensive tumble weed… they should attach to rubble within a week or two. then glue that small piece of rubble its attached to, on something big enough to be an anchor of sorts…

Second that, but I’ll add this: These corals will detach themselves from rock they’ve been growing on for years if the conditions go to crap or if they are over crowded. Likely through evolution every time things weren’t right those that floated away were more likely to find a healthier spot to grow.
If your corals are in very low light or very low flow they may not attach quickly or at all hoping with a random wave of water they can get carried to better conditions. Try to get the flow so they just move around the tiniest little bit. Then watch to see if they get caught for one some rubble. If they don’t seem to stop or get caught in a couple minutes then decrease the flow a little.(likely easiest way is to move around your power heads a bit)

They are stubborn little animals no question and it can take time. Good luck.

I took some gutter gard and wrapped it around the rock so the shroom wouldn’t move but could still “breath”. Took just a few days to attach.

thanks for the replies. It seems like the 2 are attaching but im having problem with 1 still. Ill try to hold it onto the rocks better some way. Pictures coming soon! (friend has camera)