2011 DRC Annual BBQ !!!

i’ll bring special organic, 100% pesticide-free deviled eggs from free range happy smiling chickens. i will put a hidden chunk of tofu in one just for ian.

well i wont be able to make it to the bbq i way to much crap going on in life at this moment

[quote=“saltcreep, post:40, topic:4262”]

[quote=“Hudzon, post:39, topic:4262”]
I hope to be there, as long as I can finish my honey do list for the week, I will bring oven baked beans and deviled eggs.[/quote]

that sounds like a definite maybe?[/quote]
Well wife will be gone for the day so I am a confirmed yes now :slight_smile:

Will we be doing a frag lotto ?

Ok, everyone that needs my address, just shoot me a pm or a text (302-584-2623)… and keep the phone number incase you get lost!
I’m going to get the burgers, dogs, and rolls tmmrw, and i’ll make a spinach dip, and get drinks for the kids. If you plan on bringing anything, please post it up so we don’t end up with doubles. I didn’t see potato salad mentioned, i can always make that if no one else is.

Frags are always fun, but i’ve had my hands full, and haven’t/ wont have the time to do anything… if we don’t have anything going on next month, we can possibly setup a frag swap!

Hey, tater salad sounds like a good one for me. I cant make it worth a darn, but i can buy a couple tubs at the deli to bring. got it covered.

I have a couple sacks of the paper plates, cups, nappykins, and plastic utensils from the meetings to bring too. I’ll make sure theres enough of everything. hit the dollar store for any extras needed.

Yeah the frag swap sounds like too much work to set up. but i have been looing at your video of your tank and trying to figure out what i can add to it. you have gotten lots of new frags, but still have a lot of room. I’ll think of something different to bring as a little thank you for being our host.

Thanks for all thee above Ken!

I will bring fruit salad and maybe watermelon?

yum ::thumbsup::

So John is the pool going to be open for all to use? Is Eden coming???

Yes, the pool is open and just bring a towel if you want to swim!
My kids are going to Mommoms for the weekend, my mom took off work to watch them, and i still have a ton of stuff to do, (weekend off from the kids…priceless!)… so they won’t be here. Everyone’s kids are still welcome to come though… all we ask though is…
SUPERVISE YOUR CHILDREN, POOLS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS, and honestly, myself nor DRC would be responsible, so just be safe and enjoy the pool all you want!
I’ll still pickup drinks for the kids… grocery store is still on the list…
And BTW… if you BYOB its a good idea to bring a cooler and ice, space in the fridge is gonna be tight with all the party food.

Again, if you need the address just txt ( 302-584-2623) or pm me… i’ll check my email in the am tmmrw
I think we got it now, the more stuff i cross off the list, the more i’m looking forward to tmmrw YahoO BoNg
Anything else… just post it up

Wanted to make it out, but something has come up. Have fun everyone.

bbq was TODAY??? i thought it was sunday. sht. all my plans are screwed!

Great party and food today. the weather was perfect for a change. Thanks John and Michelle for being such good hosts . And Romeo too.

Big thanks to John and Michelle for hosting the BRQ was a very big success!!!!!!

        Great seeing everyone there

Yes, thanks guys for hosting BBQ. I wish I had more time to stare at your beautiful tank GolfC

Pics or it didn’t happen! lol Had a great time thanks to our fantastic hosts!

Thanks John and Michelle for being such a great host. We had a great time!

Thanks everyone! I had a really good time PBJ! Thanks to everybody who showed up, and all the food was delicious!

Yeah where are the pics? Im sure someone must have taken some pictures. Thanks John and Michelle for hosting, definitely was a lot of fun