2016 Frag Swap Committee

Looking for volunteers to help with this year’s frag swap.

The swap is Saturday May 21st from 11 to 3. We will be setting up Friday night( time TBD) and we can get into the school Saturday morning at 8am.

We will need help during the following:

Friday Night
Set up

Set up
Clean up
man the front door
man the registration table
help sell refreshments and raffle tickets
help throughout the day with
keeping floor dry/clean
helping vendors/sellers

Please let me know if you can volunteer and what you are volunteering for.


Hope to see everyone there!

Also need volunteers to help with contacting vendors. I have a letter that we will be sending out plus a list of vendors. If you want to contact vendors please let me know and I will forward you the letter and some vendor names to contact. Please be sure to get the info from me before sending out any letters. This way we can prevent from vendors being contacted numerous times by numerous people in a short period of time.


Count me in for day of support.

Count me in for both Friday evening setup and saturday swap. Setup and restore of the cafeteria should go much easier since they have those folding picnic bench cafeteria tables now. no more hundreds of chairs to move. And many volunteers will make it even better. I still have the FRAG SWAP! TURN HERE===> sign Diane made a couple years ago. we can get another year out of it for the parking lot road entrance. Everyone knows it by now. Turn Here!

I’ll be there both days.

I’ll be there both days

I plan on setting up a table so I’ll be there on Saturday, not sure about Friday night.

Friday and Saturday.

Dont forget if you plan on volunteering please sign up on this thread. Thank you!

I’m in! My sidekick will probably help as well! I know I can help Friday night with the setup and we both can help Saturday!

It’s easy for any member that plans to visit the swap to also sign up for a few hours volunteer work while you are there. its a very short time period as it is. Friday night set up is extra, but only takes a couple hours at most, judging by previous years experience. Proper coordination and planning makes the work easier and faster.

as the old saying goes, many hands make the work lighter.

And we all have a good time!

So, the more, The merrier!

Dont forget to sign up here to let me know if you will be volunteering your help at this years swap! Thanks

I started a new thread for Friday night sign ups! If you still plan to be there Friday night please sign up on this thread http://delreefclub.org/smf/index.php?topic=9949.0

Looking forward to this years swap!!