20L ambon scorpionfish tank. GreenFishyNHam09

I dont think these guys are very bad at all. Similar to a lionfish or anemone. Basically, your taking the same risk as you do when walking in a park and exposing yourself to potential bites from spiders, insects, chimpanzees, etc etc! If a person, like myself, has allergies and would be a higher risk to unkown toxins then greater care should be taken.

I dont think the venom factor should deter people from keeping scorpion, lion, foxface, or other similar fish as long as they are knowledgeable and take extra precautions to avoid being stung. On the otherhand, highly toxic species like the blue ring oct or some stonefishes should probably be avoided by almost everyone except for the very advanced hobbyiest.

most scorpionfish venom contains a key protein that breaks down from heat. hot water form 110 to 114 on the site or a blowdryer ( dont burn your self). i do think it is an ambon but im realy happy with that he looks great and eat a ghost shrimp at least 1/4 his size 2day . i am going to go eat my lunch and read more about this fish.

Get any pictures?

i will get a pic if he ever leaves the spot he likes ( we fed him 4 shrimp there yesterday) so im not sure if he will move any time soon. not going to feed him 2day maby he will look around some more he is also more active at night but i dont wana scare the heck out of him with a flash. any ides on how often to feed would be great i was thinking of 2-3 gut packed shrimp every 2-3 days

i would say that should be fine imo

u should see if u can get it eating xenia!!! lmao

Lol that could get expensive


pic try this again

few more

Holy Crap!!

Definitely not a rhinopias frondosa but who cares!! Unbelieveable fish! Love the appendages!

Fishguy - Do you remember what species the fish came to you as? Do you see it often on your lists?

next to a hc for size

i think it was on there list as a rhinopias but is deff an ambon reef life sept/oct has an article on them.

nice fish all the same! Didnt realize how small it was until the last pic!

reef life sept/oct has an article on them.

Do you have a subscription? What do you think of the mag? Ive flipped through an issue at DPA but wasnt impressed enough to buy a scubscription. I love the cover style/art/layout, kind of reminds me of the oldschool naturalist journals but the content left me wanting a little more. I know its still very new, so im sure things will change, but just wanted another opinion.

just picked it up a barnes and noble i like it but i think theres a lot of detal past what i want on some things and way to little on others but the pics are great i think ill buy one or 2 more before i get a subscription.

Very sweet looking fish GreenFish

fts more corals soon

what a cutie. lotsa luck

Lol very cool, he looks like he is sitting there checking out his kingdom

shawn- yeah, was simply listed as “rhinopias”… figured, for the price, y not give it a shot. jon stole it b4 i even had a chance to see it mon nite!!!

very cool fish nonetheless. im glad its eating well, and looks pretty happy.
another nicely set up tank guys