20th October meeting and agenda

Should see the current Cowboys cheerleaders.

Dam frank your showing your age! uou could have picked a better year! And i do have to agree. That is the only thing i like about the cowboys!

I did have that very poster on my wall… Along with Farrah Fawcett in her red swimsuit.

Did or still do? :BB)

[quote=“Hudzon, post:20, topic:7605”]
the only reason I ever liked the Dallas Cowboys


Frank that poster looks like it dates back to the 70’s

Where is that old man smiley with the cane :stuck_out_tongue:

It was 1978 …

Another great meeting and a great turn out. Apologize for not having enough food for everyone, I thought it was enough, but that was some good chicken though. Anyways, thank you AJ of CoralFarmerNY for supporting us with the donated colonies for the raffle and hand delivered members purchases personally. Also, great presentation on coral imports. Learn a lot, at least I did.

Congratulation goes out to those who won the colonies and to Jim who won the GT prize (WP-25) and he’s on the winning streak, good on ya Jim.

Thanks everyone for showing up and hopefully we’ll see you guys again at next month’s meeting.

Also, hope everyone will post their winnings and what they got from AJ.

It was a fun meeting. Nice agenda and guests and munchies were good! I have to research some of that great info AJ hinted at about conservatories of reefs overseas to donate frags, to replant ailing reefs… I wonder if there are any for the US of A also? Good stuff.

Great Meeting!

It was wonderful talking to all of you and meeting everyone. It was a great meeting, its always nice to see a big turn out at a reef club.

A thank you for the shirts when I go to my local club I will make sure myself and Rob wear them GolfC