20th October meeting and agenda

Please join us for our October meeting on Monday night October 20th at 7pm
As always our meetings are held in the cafeteria of William Penn HS 713 E. Basin Rd New Castle, De 19720.

Reminder: Do to new security rules it is imperative that you be at the school as close to 7pm as possible as the external doors are now locked full time as we will need to station someone by the door to let people in

Meeting agenda for this month:Â club activities and frag swap date.

DIY: quick DIY frag plugs demonstration by myself

With the above discussion we will have a guest speaker…AJ, owner of CoralFarmerNY. He will discuss/presentation different ways coral is imported/transshipped into the US. So that you may know where your corals are coming from.

Along with AJ being at our meeting as a presenter. He will be offering a group buy and hand delivered the purchase to the meeting for the buyer so no shipping fee. He will be advertising that in his sponsor thread.

Food this month we will be Fry Chicken and fixin from our near by fry chicken establishment New York Fry Chicken. NOTICE I’m keeping this a New York theme.

Frags - as always we will have frags available for the raffle. But for this month our frags will be delivered to our meeting by our newest sponsor out of New York CoralFarmerNY.Â

Our Golden Ticket Prize will be 2 Jebao WP-25 WAVE MAKER. Yes, 2 Jebao WP-25 WAVE MAKER!!!

Disclaimer: contents of this meeting are subject to change without notice.

In recognition of their years of service and hard work, both Bill Rob and Craig D will receive 10 additional entries in to the Golden Ticket Raffle just for being present!!!

Sounds like a good meeting ::thumbsup::
NO changing the golden ticket prize lolly pop steeler

LOL, Bill. We’re indian giver. We don’t take from kids. Oh, and notice the disclaimer at the bottom. ::rofl:: ::rofl::

[quote=“reefman66, post:3, topic:7605”]
LOL, Bill. We’re indian giver. We don’t take from kids. Oh, and notice the disclaimer at the bottom. ::rofl:: ::rofl::[/quote]

:-)### #@$^

Where is that change button. I know how to fix that. ::rofl::

If any one is intrested I will post up our stock listings and referance website to you can see what you are getting. :slight_smile:

We will have fish and corals for all of you who are intrested.

Id like to take a look, missed the last group buy with you guys

All information for this group buy can be found in the group buy selection of our vendor forum.

[quote=“reefman66, post:1, topic:7605”]
In recognition of their years of service and hard work, both Bill Rob and Craig D will receive 10 additional entries in to the Golden Ticket Raffle just for being present!!![/quote]

LOL! you 2 do deserve it for the years of troubles, but still no tickets for yoooou.

Dam A your killing me!

I feel like the I’m talking to the soup natzi on Seinfeld NO SOUP FOR ME

I plan on being there and I’m going to bring some random equipment I’ve been trying to unload. Heaters, powerheads, etc. All cheap, just want it gone. I can also bring some macro from my sump if anyone’s interested.

Oh Boy! It’s gonna be an NYC sorta meeting!

Frags and presentation by NYC Corals, and NYC fried chicken for munchies.

A short demo by our Pres., things to trade and a really Great Raffle line up!

You all Come!

see you there!

Now all we need is for the new york football giants to beat them god dam cowboys!

I again have a ton of cheat to unload, anyone interested?


We just received a huge shipment of acros and lps. We will post tonight on our thread if any one is interested we can bring to the meeting.

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:12, topic:7605”]
Now all we need is for the new york football giants to beat them god dam cowboys![/quote]

Keep dreaming Jason. GO COWBOYS!!!

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:12, topic:7605”]
Now all we need is for the new york football giants to beat them god dam cowboys![/quote]

Quit hatin on the Boys, there finally starting to play good ball this year.

The only reason the cowboys have the amount of fans they do is because when they were buying rings,everybody just wanted to root for a winning team! So most of the cowboys fans are band wagon riders from when they did win!
If you notice the cowboys havent done crap since the salary cap went into place!? You know why? Becasue you cant buy the ring anymore and dallas has alot more money then any other team in the league!

Oh yea and yes im a dallas hater! Never have liked them and never will! I root for 2 teams,who is beating the cowboys and the eagles! Oh and i live with a dallas fan

LOL. Sounds like my other friend that is a Redskins fan. He say the same thing you said.

Sounds like a typical Eagles fan too me. ::rofl::

Been a cowboys fan though the good back in the 80’s through the de boggle of recent years good to see them getting something together finally

the only reason I ever liked the Dallas Cowboys