[quote=“longballz84, post:16, topic:1416”]
i didnt know you could keep those bumble bee gobies in strictly saltwater? i had some years back that i was advised to keep them in brackish water if i wanted them to live longer than 6 months?? have you ever heard any of this??? and how long have u had ur little guy (or gal) in saltwater for?[/quote]
Well He isnt in ther anymore… I dont know what happend when I went to the LFS the had the bumble bees for a dollar and I was like hey whynot! they sold him to me as a saltwater fish then later when I was reading up on him i realised he was a brackish fish. He was real fat and happy while he was in there.[/quote]
Well looks like the little fella didn’t die. He showed up today, not really sure how a fish can go missing for a month in a 3g tank and suddenly reappear?? But he still looks happy!
wow that is cool…i was doing some reading where someone said that any brackish water fish can gradually be integrated into fully saltwater…id like to see what others have to say, and im going to do a little more searching…if you can keep this guys, im going to go grab me a couple. keep me posted.
fishbowl sells bumblebee gobys for one dollar. they are already salt water kept. and yes there are many brakish fish that are easly aclimated over to saltwater.
[quote=“martinfaimly, post:24, topic:1416”]
fishbowl sells bumblebee gobys for one dollar. they are already salt water kept. and yes there are many brakish fish that are easly aclimated over to saltwater.[/quote]
Cool little tank. Will be nice to see the corals grow out. I agree with Al to try some meathod of phosphate removal. I like the mushrooms. I need to pay more attention to mine.