3 Huge Shipments of Saltwater Fish, Critters & Corals - Check this Out

[CENTER]Amazing Shipments of Saltwater Fish & Corals @ Reefs2go.com



Anyone up for trying to get free shipping? $170 or more?

i was going to ask the same thing!!

I’m up for a couple cleaner shrimp and a six line wrasse.

i would be interested in getting in on an order with someone. There are several things I like on their website just didnt want to pay the shipping. Where are you located? Just curious if you place the order where I would need to pick it up from when it came in.

I’m in Middletown. I don’t mind meeting you halfway somewhere if that’s far from you.

I am in Houston. It is in between Milford and Harrington

Dover a good place to meet?

yep that would work!

i just looked on their site and picked out some stuff (too many things I wanted LOL ) but I am good for about $48 worth.

were you able to get anyone else to go in on an order?

Nope. I guess we are out of luck. Sorry

i guess so too

If you guys are still interested in placing an order, I will be on board. I got a few gift certificates for them that need to be used.

i am still interested!