40 breeder - Future of the Biocube

As the Biocube really starts to work itself out…this is the epitome of a slooow build on both the breeder and the cube.

Obviously, a 40 gallon breeder will be used. Will be drilling it for the exotic marine overflow box (20"), back painted black (though I’m toying with blue), using a 20 gallon long sump with exotic marine’s 20 long sup kit that contains 2 4" filter sock holders, a skimmer section and return section. No refugium, but I’ve never been able to keep a refugium, so that’s not a big deal. I’m probably going to drill 2 3/4" return lines into the back of the tank, which will allow me to use a screen top.

I have 1 hydra 26 hd on the biocube, but I am thinking 2 of these would be too much and create too much of a hotspot on the breeder. Seriously looking at 2 AI Prime 16 HD’s to light this thing.

I do have a negative aquascape structure cycling/curing in the basement, and i’m leaning toward using the existing rocks from the biocube. 2 different rocks, will create a contrast and I don’t need to get the anemone’s off the rocks then. Will be using special grade sand, 2 MP10’s.

Not sure about what skimmer to use, but the em200 i have will be too powerful, so maybe the icecap 100 skimmer?

Livestock will be 2 clowns, and the bi-color blenny that I have. My cleaner shrimp (may add a 2nd), maybe a fire shrimp. Probably will add a diamond goby, and maybe a small tang that I can swap out ever couple years for another small one for utilitarian purposes.

Basic LPS corals, nothing major, some zoa’s, GSP for the back wall?

Lots of time, getting my ducks in a row, and go from there.