4th year anniversary sale

4 years.
what a long stange trip its been, we are celebrating on sat Oct 18, we will have live rock @ $2.99 per pound. and lots of special sale items in the store. as well as some nice givaways. (freebies are a blast)

you don’t want to miss this one.
Please help spread the world.


Still have and LR available? I could take $50-60 worth off of you

Hey Doc;

What are the dates for the fall sale?

Sale will run through the end of this week at least. We haven’t decided on a definate end date yet.

Ian, sending you a PM.

I’m interested in 50 - 60 lbs. Mostly big pieces. Is it availabe still?

 by now I hope everyone has heard about our big anniversary sale, but we have been dealt a nasty blow.

There is no live rock available, tonga has shut down, and fiji is not issuing any permits untill the 1st of the new year. there is some haiti rock out there but I hate that stuff. (ugly rock).
So where does that leave us.
would anyone out there be interested in a buy one get one free on coral and fish!!!
I want to make our anniversary a good time, but I cant give out what I cant get.

So hows about some feedback.

Thanks for your support.

If you do BOGO on fish/coral you can expect to see me next weekend!!

Aww thats the day of the meeting here at my place… otherwise I would make the trip for BOGO.

Our Fall Festival SALE continues through this week. Lots of nice corals still available!!

All the available corals are shown on this page:

40% off SALE on many corals, check each section too see which are 40% off.
Hand-Picked, Australian, Maricultured corals, and WYSIWYG frags are all 40% off.

Addicted, where are you getting a 180 from? I’d love to get one, but its just not in the budget right now. Let us know when your ready to fill it with rock, he has plenty for a 180.

Bz, he has pieces ranging from rubble to 10-20lbs. You can always buy a rock and crush it up, I’ve done that many times for frags. Regardless, he has what your looking for.[/quote]

I got it from another member in Reading, PA for $400. Have not had a chance to do the plumbing and such yet. Can use the expertise if someone willing to help.

Scuba, sent you a PM.

adicted, nice, I may get a 180g from a guy in NYC for pretty cheap, that’s a lot of gas money though and I’m broke. I am no plumbing expert, I hate that part of setting up the tank! verdict_in

dampepshrimp are u comming to the meeting?

No, sorry, I never have time, always schedule conflicts with the meetings.

ghost hunters is going to be live on halloween night from fort delaware…I think that just rocks man…delaware city!

[quote=“xownagex, post:16, topic:661”]
ghost hunters is going to be live on halloween night from fort delaware…I think that just rocks man…delaware city![/quote]

lol … wonder if they had that planned before Biden was announced as VP

I was wondering that as well man…still…it’s pretty cool :slight_smile:

Ummm I love that show! :slight_smile: They have investigated it before and they loved it, I believe it had some of their best experiences, and they wanted to go back. Plus Fort Delaware probably was one of the first to call them back! lol I don’t know why Biden would have affected them. I think they just want a place that they know has activity so that it won’t be 7 hours of nothing! Definitly going to be on my TV halloween night!

How much LR is left? I have a couple friends that are setting up a 75g tank and looking for some rock that might be interested. Let me know.