500G reef tank fully stocked!!!!

I am tearing down my 3 year old 500G starphire reef tank with numerous accessories, MRC calcium reactor, MRC skimmer, reeflo hammerhead pumps, luminarc reflectors, 400W MH’s, chiller, icecap actinics, ozone new in box, 3 column UV strerilizer new in box, fully stocked with mature LPS, SPS, clams, anemone and about a half dozen fish including an elusive mantis shrimp.

I am moving hopefully in the spring and need to get the tank moved by the spring to get things on the market.

Here is the build thread.

$12,000 OBO

Email with questions or recent pictures!!!




I just saw this on CL. That tank is insane. Good luck with the sale!

I got an idea!!!

How about we get a bunch of members to chip in and buy this setup.
AND we can keep it at my house. Great right.

Sounds great!!! I will donate two buckets of salt!!! GolfC


If Only.,…

C’mon Al - what a great way to get back in to the hobby!!!

Especially right before club elections!! We’d love to have you as President again!!!

Those are great pictures of the tank in all it’s glory. I always liked that cascade tub filtrations system concept. energy efficient. That’s one very strong but light weight tank stand too. easily moved.

Uhhh??? I think if a bunch of us got together, we could carry that tank down into Al’s basement. If it doesn’t fit through the hatch, we could certainly knock some of the basement wall out to get it down there.

Any volunteers?

My wife has a 12 gauge that says it wont fit. I am willing to try if you are… lol

We’ll just move it in while she’s at work >LOL<

I mean - once it’s in it can’t be removed without a bunch of us and I suspect we’re all going to be very busy for a very long time so you might as well put water in it!!!

Do you have 12K laying around I can borrow…don’t really plan on paying you back.

Its a sweet setup.

It would be a shame to part the thing out… I know it would look beautiful in your basement AL>…

You have a PM.