A look at my 55g tank with DIY sump canopy overflow and surface skimmer i left out some corals because i couldnt get a good shot but will post them soon. also took a pic of my 29g hospital tank
I hope everyone likes my tank ive been working hard on it!!! YahoO
Your tank is looking very good. So the problem you are having is trying to fit a larger sump in the bottom of the stand. From the pics, it looks like those center braces are what is causing anything larger from being able to fit under there.
Is it at all possible to remove a side panel to gain access, leaving the support braces intact.
Or you could install 2 new braces in the rear, one on either side of the middle of the stand, but closer to the corners and remove the center brace, allowing you to slide a larger sump in from the front and turn it, once it is clear of the front doors.
Thanks for the compliments! 324watts of T-5HO with LED lunars 4x54w odyssea and 2x54w Deep blue professional. the pics were taken under actinic lighting only.
Houndsbayman thanks for your input with my sump issue.
Your completely right the middle brace on the front and back
of the stand is the issue and ive looked into rebuilding the
stand to make something fit but id have to take the tank down
to do so because the way it was made the wood planks and
the braces are all mounted behind the trim that the tank
sits on. also even without the front and rear braces id only
have at the most 46"x11"x 25"
Sweet let me talk to my fiance and ill let you know how things go and definitly dunk! id love the company.
Where are you from dunk? also where would the meeting be at?
[quote=“Ryan, post:8, topic:4528”]
Sweet let me talk to my fiance and ill let you know how things go and definitly dunk! id love the company.
Where are you from dunk? also where would the meeting be at?[/quote]
Everything looks happy in there! :: how long has it been up and running? and whats the white pvc in the top left corner? Is it the overflow/ drain pipe?
Thanks! yeah the pvc is the DIY overflow and surace skimmer. Its been set up since feb. 11’th 2011 and i let it cycle for 2 months before i took everything out of my 20g nano and put it in this tank and ive just been adding a little bit at a time and doing water changes and testing the water and adding chems as needed and so far its been great. i did lose my acropora to RTN a few weeks ago but i was not aware it was sick when i bought it from a local pet store the polyps never opened even at night under the LEDS and without the LEDS
but im lucky everything else in the tank is doing very well and i spot feed with baby brine and mysis 3 times a week and feed the fish flakes and mysis shrimp. the gobies love it they even eat from the turkey baster now! very exciting