$6,000 dollar grouper !

This is a brief clip I found of that rare grouper HOF in CT was selling for 6 grand…

I am very sure there is some one in CT with a F/O setup who has enough money to buy that fish. What a bargain! Look everyone, I have the only grouper worth $60000.
I wonder how the store owner figures out just how much that fish is worth.

I expected to see something plain colored and ugly, that fish is actually awesome looking! I’ve never seen anything like it before.

Yes ! It looked even better in person…I am taking a ride up there middle of next week.I’m gonna ask who bought it…stay tuned

That’s a Neptune grouper, found in extremely deep water. Hope whoever bought it is running a chiller and it was properly decompressed! I’d much rather have the conspic that’s in the tank for less then a third of the price!

For 6 grand, I’ll fly to the south pacific, take scuba diving lessons and personally catch and deliver one of those fish for him. and have an all expense paid holiday to boot.

Ok, I expected to see something ugly and brown. That guys is actually sharp looking. I’ve never seen anything like that. I wonder if they change colors are they mature.

Ha,Ken, you’d end up losing your life trying to catch one! You don’t seem them above 260ft, extremely dangerous. We just lost a great attribute to the hobby a few weeks ago, a Hawaiian diver who will greatly be missed. He dove too deep and sadly never recovered.
Jon, I am fairly certain they retain these colors as adults, may get even more brilliant with age. They don’t get huge either, less than a foot and a half.