6.5" Deresa clam for sale

This thing is awsome! I’ve had it for 2.5 years but its just getting too big for the allotted space I have for it.

It is in perfect health and has been growing since I bought it at 1.5 inches to now nearly 7 inches its 4.5 inches tall and about 5 inches wide.

Asking $110 $95 or best offer.

you can see its against the front glass lol.

Beautiful Derasa Tim. They are fast growers I have 1 that is getting to the point I will need a bigger tank to house it along with everything else :stuck_out_tongue:

considering fair offers :slight_smile:


Really? nobody? all the clam hogs out there and nobody wants this? I’ll drop the price to $95 :slight_smile:

:BUMP) how about $85?