6 Bulb t5HO vs 4 PAR38 rapid led bulbs

Well no Pics or video yet, but have par readings
The T5HO is a retro with ati reflectors and 6 month old bulbs
The PAR38 Bulbs are the 7 emiter bulbs from Rapid Led

The LED bulbs give a really nice look lots of shadows and shimmer and gives lots of options for different light levels
I will be adding two Orphek PR-25 bulbs with the violet UV emiters but at $230.00 ea. they will have to wait till after vacation.
Tank is a 38 Display 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 19 3/4

T5HO 6" above water, PAR38 Bulbs 4" above water

Surface T5HO 300, PAR38 1250
6" down T5HO 200, PAR38 650
10" down T5HO 170, PAR38 380
14" down T5HO 160, PAR38 300
17" down T5HO 150, PAR38 225

Can you take a surface reading of both at 6" and 4"? Yes the T5’s seem much less PAR but I see the penetration levels of the LED’s drop dramatically each inch and I’m curious how much the levels drop above the tank to the surface.

Also what about front and back of the tank under the LED’s? If you are directly under the center you will get high PAR readings but how about 6" off the center of focus?

Yes there is lots of drop off beyond center of LEDS but the spread is about 8" so I do have some spots that drop all the way down to 30 at the bottom back corners with the LEDs but that is what I like, still lots of light but also low light areas
but being only a 12" wide it’s not that bad.

I do have surface readings or are you talking about out of water readings at the surface ?
Both fixtures are non adjustable in height.

how many par 38s?

Awesome readings! Thanks for sharing.

Paul, I think he had 4 Par 38 bulbs.

It would be interesting to see the light output over each section of the tank and you could get an idea of the spread and diffusion of the lights, I would assume the LEDs have more cut initially (high PAR under the lights) and then diffuse out more once they get into the water. The T5s already have a decent spread with the reflectors and they run over most of the surface of the water so they probably aren’t as effected by the water (it’s already spread, so spreading through the water isn’t going to drop the numbers as much)

Well I got a new orphek PR25UV PAR38 Bulb and tested it and to my surprise it was a little lower in par then the Rapid LED Par38 bulbs, not much but here with the PR25uv Bulb

Surface T5HO 300, Rapid Led PAR38 1250, PR25uv 950
6" down T5HO 200, Rapid Led PAR38 650 PR25uv 550
10" down T5HO 170, Rapid Led PAR38 380 PR25uv 280
14" down T5HO 160, Rapid Led PAR38 300 PR25uv 250
17" down T5HO 150, Rapid Led PAR38 225 PR25uv 200

I have had the PR25 for a little over a week now and must say the color is bluer and better IMO and really brings out the purples in the tank.

From this Experiment I think I will be going with two Orphek PR25UV bulbs and two Rapid LED PAR38 bulbs
over a 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 19 3/4 tank for the Rapid Leds 6 Royal Blue, 2 Blue, 4 Cool White and 2 Warm White CREE XR-E LEDs
and for the PR25UV 12 Royal Blue / 8 true 15k white Power LED Gen 2™ / 4 UV-Violet diodes ~”20k”

18 RB
2 Blue
12 CW
2 WW
4 UV

for a total of 38 leds at a cost of $640.00