before you get all happy- its an old perfecto black pine stand that was overlaid with birch veneer and stained an ugly washed out looking dark walnut color…doors were repainted…its functional-but not asthetically pleasing…
good for a basemnet,qt,frag tank…
I’ll be getting it sometime next week…just seeing who might want it? if anyone?
I’ll post some pics when its available…
pics …as promised…told u it was ugly…
free car? lOl
nope,but maybe the stand qualifies for the" cash for clunkers program"
sure it does. definitely gets less than 18 miles per gallon of water. $4500 fr sure
$4500.00 sounds great ! I can’t even give it away on here !
stand was picked up today by houndsbaymen…hope you can put it to good use John !!!
not to HJack… but i have a 65/50 gal oak canopy for free to whomever wants it. would go good with the stand. its an oak color with a hole in one end for a cooling fan. anyone interested lmk.
Thanks again Ron. It will be used to hold my frag tank which is in my garage. When I get it set up,I will post a pic.