tank and wooden stand $150 nothing else pick up in new castle
YEsterday i had my house treated for bugs and they told me to just cover the tank with a blanket…so I did…
This morning everything looked like sh*t…there are dead amphipods from my 20 gal. fuge floating around and all on the sand in my DT…
some of the corals look ok…zoas, xenia, leathers, ect…monti cap is dying if not dead…this is all within 24 hours…
also, all my chromis died (5) , but my angel, and clowns are ok for now…
the funny thing is i was thinking about tanking down the whole tank and starting over with the aqua scape and adding way more sand…now i have to do something…
so what do u guys think happened? the gases somehow killed off stuff in the tank?? do i have to siphon out all the water or what?? im soo shocked right now…ill be making a phone call here shortly to let these people know they were 100% wrong about the tank being ok with a blanket on it.
i just found my green emerald dead and also one of my zebra hermits…
all of my snails are alive to my knowledge…the fish dont seem to be breathing funny or swimming irregularly…i think ive come to the realization that if everything dies…
i guess ill be back at the square 1…
What happened was probably that you covered the tank but didn’t cover the fuge/sump. the chemicals they use get in to the air and settle on the water, get absorbed and poison the tank.
Do a large water change as soon as possible, run carbon and change it out every few days.
My exterminator won’t even spray in the same room as my tank, and if he has to he makes sure to keep the spray as close to the carpet as possible to prevent that.
in the future, make sure you cover EVERYTHING as well as turn off the skimmer, the airline for the kimmer will pull in the “mist” and contaminate the tank.
Sorry to hear this, that sucks.
thanks craig…i cant believe it right now, but atleast i wasnt stocked up with corals and all…im still in the beginner phase with zoas and the like…
anyway, do u think anyone can be held liable? or because you cant really controll where the gas goes, does this make it difficult?
right now im about a 9.5/10 on the pissed-off-o-meter…i think im going to mix a drink…
When im at the next meeting staring at everyones frags like a fat kid in a candy shop…u guys will kno why…
i always heard that when things go wrong…inverts would be the first to go…which did play out kind of true…
i would have never known how many amphipods were in there unless i saw them all dead!!!
besides the one dead hermit crab, my 3 larger ones are out in the open and SEEM ok…
the clowns just ate, and SEEM ok…i also noticed my lawn mower blenny made it through the chemical warefare that took place…so that leaves me at 4 survivors…
I remember that OT post about catproofing you fish room…dont let u cat escape outside and bring back little buggers with them!! Then you wont need people spraying you house!!!
I didnt know you could press keyboard buttons soo hard without pushing them through the desk! man im heated…
Liability is a funny thing. Here comes my old insurance training:
In order to be covered you must hae done everything in your power to avoid the risk. Covering the tank would generally qualify as reasonable removal of forseeable risk. However the exterminator may have a clause eliminating aquariums from coverage due to the nature of the services they are providing.
i have heard of extermination companies having to payout thousands becuase of external runoff of their chemicals contaminating koi ponds.
Your best bet at this point would be to take a deep breath, call the company and CALMLY explain the problem. Figure out what your estimated loss is beforhand so you’ll have an idea of what to expect/ask for for compensation. Then see what they say.
If you’re not happy with the answer the first person gives you continue to escalate it up the ladder. if you can’t get it resolved through the compnay call the BBB. Make sure you give us and everyone else the name so we don’t use them too.
although i don’t have experience with this situation my first instinct would be to run a carbon filter and remove as much water as possible without upsetting the tank, you can’t listen to some idiot exterminator all matter will diffuse wether its gas to gas or gas to liquid and i do recall that the majority of the pesticides effect arthropod’s physiology hence why your inverts bit the dust
Yeah, the tanks were covered…so aparently covering them isnt enough…or like Craig said…just have them stay the hell away from it…
and the idiot as well refer to him, probley didnt even know it was saltwater…for all he knew, goldfish survived after he sprayed the last house…so this guys tank should be fine too…
would it be ok to run carbon in the fuge and keep cleaning it, or should i run it externally? i really dont have anything external to put it into…
I will start keeping tally of what dies off and est. the cost…RO water included…
do you think its worth saving the dead guys or just trashing them?
would pictures be good documented proof?
Put the carbon in a filter sock, carbon bag, r your GF’s pantyhose and stick it in the sump.
Pictures never hurt anything (except my ex-wife) make sure you contact them today to let them know there is an issue and that you’re tallying the impact of the bad information provided by them at this time.
Man that sucks. Sorry to hear it.
i called and now im waiting for the answer…whatever that may be…
if everything were to die, id lose a little over a $150 of livestock, which in this hobby, isnt relatively a lot…
it just sucks that im waiting for the potential failure…
i kinda feel like im a senior in highschool again waiting for my admission letter to Delaware…
[quote=“longballz84, post:13, topic:641”]
if everything were to die, id lose a little over a $150 of livestock[/quote]
Look at the bright side. I just lost 1/3 of that in 1 fish that took me about a week to notice went missing.
I know it doesn’t make it any easier, but it could have been sooo much worse. Al lost almost his entire tank from fumes when he finished his bar. fish he had for years, so of the nicest corals you’d ever seen…gone in a day and a half.
Consider it a learning experience. I won’t even paint in a room that has a fish tank in it anymore.
thats exactly what it is…a learning experience…and i had to post in on here for future reference…
atleast i wasnt knee deep in acros and and other sps/lps…i was on the brink of having my tank ready to start getting stony’s…
nothing good is ever easy tho! I guess itll just make it that much better in the end…
What do you think about this idea…
I go out and get like a 20 gall. tank for the time being to put whatever frags that are left in…
The frags would go from being under t5 lighting, back to my old PC’s…
The only problem would be cycled water…could i get away with mixing a fresh batch of 20 gals. that i would only keep corals in??
im not 100% sure if the fish are going to make it, but i may have a temporary solution for them also…but water quality would also be the issue.
I had my apartment bombed several times. I just plastic wrapped the whole top of the tank and sump, no problems. Sorry to hear about your loss though, atleast you can redo anything differently you wanted this time around.
I’d go with a 20g long for the frags. they should be fine under PC light in a shallower tank for a little while. Put a HOB filter on it.
You may want to do the same with the fish. Then do a MASSIVE water change and let the tank sit for a week or two, see if the chemicals killed off the bacteria in the tank, you may have another cycle, potentially have to re-cure the LR.
But I would get anything alive out if you can.
Just out of curiosity… did you leave your skimmer running during the house bombing? I had a similar experience when my house was being painted. The skimmer is injecting air and fumes into the water column… just food for thought and my :TWOCENTS
my skimmer was on…mines inside my tank…where is yours located?
could this work in uncycled water? as far as the corals?
I would think the corals will be OK. Just plan on frequent small water changes to keep the levels from spiking and harming them. If you can get a chunk of LR from someone to put in with them it would be even better. I have some, but it’s just a few small pieces, not sure if it’d be enough.