was cleaning the clams making sure there were no pyr snails and none found, but these i found, and wondering what they are.
some starfish but what kind? good or bad? #1
this is a snail a whole bunch #2
this is the half red and white bug on an earlier post someone was trying to id these are fast #3
this is weird and slow moving #4
a type of bristle worm but what kind? #5
this is the horned thing but the horns are off its butt #6
this is kind of hard on top but not a shell it is slow and sticks to the bucket #7
this is a weird one while trying to catch it it spit a piece off or broke a piece off it is fast and moves like a snake #8
this ones a limpet, i call them volcano snails . I’ve had them in my tank since my first piece of live rock. I never see many, just a couple in my skimmer neck every week.
chiton… same, had them a while, and i only see one every once in a while (not fast reproducers in my system)
I haven’t seen mine do any harm, but if you read around the web, it says some varieties of both of these are omnivores?
you got a whole science project out of a clam cleaning ::
lol yeah got a lot of weird stuff ha ha hope to find out what they are, thanks for the id
If I had those bugs I would take a hot shower and call the dr for some cream
WOW, all that from one clam? you must have scrub the heck out of the clam. LOL
Well I’ll tell ya this that’s are no scutes left lol. I scrubbed them all and there were more critters I just knew for sure what they were. The starfish and the limpet I wasn’t sure the type they were I read a few are bad in those specie.
Man sorry can’t help on the ID on some of them but thats some real good pics though.
i found this lurking in my sump increasing my nitrates it kept murmering beadlocked beadlocked ::
heres the link to rc got some id’s on the buggies
Did we ever determine if these bugs are bad? ChillPill
don’t think they are bad
There are more “pods” then there are fish in the world so when people ID something as a “pod” you can pretty much ignore them. Some pods will latch on and suck the life out of a fish and others will just eat your algae and be a healthy food source for your fish and coral.
As far as the sea star goes and the recommendations on RC to remove it, I would personally ignore them or investigate further. Ask those people to show you a single image of a mini sea star eating a live coral. Or someone reporting their tank is getting over run with them and actually having a negative issue with them? Some sea stars of the genus can reproduce in decent numbers in the aquarium, but they don’t really hurt anything. “Looks like a coral eater” I believe is someone who is either paranoid, repeating what they heard on another forum, or just trying to insert their wealth of knowledge when they really don’t have a lot. I could be wrong there could be a new species that has hitchhiked into aquariums and started to cause significant issues, but I’ve never heard of a single case ever.
Yeah I didn’t even see the strfish comment and pod didn’t help much. But the one guy said number 4 and 7 are the same is probably right. I think the small one fell off the larger one when we tried to catch it.