abalone videos from my tank 1 min each

Really cool, any drawbacks to having one? they look like they have some power. I’ll have to put one on my wish list as long as its not like putting a mini bulldozer in the tank!

as far as mine goes, he’s almost always on the glass, sometimes he sleeps in the rocks, while he’s mighty powerful, he avoids, rather than bulldozes. they can carry pyr snails, so inspect well. removal from glass is only by credit card method. extremely other worldly.
generally nocturnal.

only saltcreep says anything abut this guy! i’m ashamed.

What does it eat? don’t it eat lots of green? how about hair algae?

they are very good algae eaters. and i think the ones sold for reef tanks only get about 3 inches long. not like the calif abs that can be over a foot. and need cold water ad kelp to eat. fun to watch too. looks like a big stomatella.

ken, they are supposed to be good algae consumers, but mine really only takes it off the glass, not h/a from the rocks

Do they require supplemental feedings or is the glass algae enough to sustain them?

Looks awesome Paul.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:8, topic:3438”]
Do they require supplemental feedings or is the glass algae enough to sustain them?[/quote]
dunno. i generally move mine from 1 tank to another every once in a while, just to give him a change of scenery, diff munchies. man is he tough to get off the glass. if you don’t get it quick, it’s not gonna be easy!