[quote=“Chucksmit, post:12, topic:3156”]
How much of that stuff is in the salt mixes?[/quote]
This is a big question. Many hobbyist would say you get what you pay for with salt and few would doubt there is major issues with cheap salt. This is the reason why I had asked what type of salt you were using. One of the best things you can do for your tank is get on a regular schedule of doing water changes that works for your system and using a good quality mix.
Nitrates could be the issue, but I would kind of lean towards it not being the major issue. 20ppm Nitrates is without question an issue in a reef tank. Many hobbyist, speakers, and authors will tell you 0 is the only expectable level. It is partially a matter of opinion, but I would advise anyone to go as low as they can.
[quote=“Chucksmit, post:12, topic:3156”]
I think it might be too little flow actually.[/quote] If you can stir a little bit a sand bed, and feed a little bit and then capture a video of the acan we might be able to give some feedback as to the flow. Just try not to move the camera around so much, just stick with the same coral and maybe give us two angels.
[quote=“Chucksmit, post:12, topic:3156”]
I have almost recently lost a duncan who was beautiful and huge and then all of a sudden… nothing.[/quote]
Duncans are also a fairly hardy LPS. Have you added LPS in the last month or two? There are some bacterial infections and other pests that can bother them. Also take a hard look for any flat worms on their flesh.
You talk about the Duncan recovering from something and the Acan maybe taking a bit longer. Again both of these are fairly hardy so if something ticked both of them off something was significantly off or there was an issue specific to LPS. You may want to look into a dip such as revive if you get the conditions dead on and it still isn’t opening up. That being said I am not sure the chemistry is dead on yet. Do a full batch of tests, let us know what the scoop is and be prepared for another water change soon(have salted RODI mixing soon)
Speaking of which you do use close to 0TDS RO water right?
[quote=“Chucksmit, post:12, topic:3156”]
sorry one more point…[/quote]
Don’t be sorry at all, the more info the more we can help.
[quote=“Chucksmit, post:12, topic:3156”]
But I am getting in two new bulbs (a 10,000k and a 75.25 from UVL) to replace my old lights because their life span is far beyond its point. What should I do when changing these bulbs? the Acan has been in his new place for about… 4 or 5 days now… should I not move him again when I put the lights in?[/quote]
Set on these bulbs already? Are they ordered? I’d recommend slightly different bulbs. All though these will be ok health wise for the corals, I personally don’t think it will give the tank the best appearance.
If it is possible when you add the new bulbs do so one at a time and raise the fixture up high to reduce any shock, then slowly lower it several days later.