Ad banner

Is it me or is anybody else getting these ad banner by BetterSurf? trying to see if I’m getting malware on my computer.

No I don’t see them on my side

Thanks Bill. I’m guessing it must be my computer then. damn malware!!!

Google it and figured it out. Third party extension installed ad banner called better surf on my chrome web browser. Apparently it happens all the time.

Dontchu have good anti virus and spyware protection? I use the McAffee antivirus/spyware suite provided free by AOL. no problems.

you could try adding Lavasoft’s free AD-AWARE software. that works pretty good too. I ran that with the McAffee together on the old puter.

I do have McAffee antivirus/spyware suite by Verizon though. Apparently it doesn’t catch what a third party program install on your web browser, especially Google Chrome.

I find it to be very important to actually READ those pop-up windows that come up when installing new stuff. I recently upgraded my computer and was installing stuff for the kids, I was amazed at how the installation packages default to adding 3rd party add-ons tot he browser, changing home pages, adding extras that you never think to look for.

That’s a good observation CD. Every installation of primary software usually includes a couple add on task bars and stuff to boost their revenue.

anyway, Internet Explorer is still sposed to be miles ahead of the so call faster broswers, like firefox and chrome,
when it comes to security and junk.

Why not just stick with Uncle Bill’s software. He’s a nice guy, a little autistic or aspbergers ,who likes to keep browsing safe.

I can never understand the advantage of the alternative browsers. too many side effects. MS has them too, but it is self correcting if you keep up with the Automatic security updates every month. I 've had no problem with Uncle Bill’s Software.

Be careful about the fake “found a virus on your computer, click to remove” pop ups too. I know someone who gets A TON of bad stuff because he always clicks those thinking it is his anti-virus software telling him that. Its just a clever pop up that install malware and trojans.

Yes gone are the days of just clicking next when installing new software, you really need to look at each page to see what it is.

Also if you have stuff on your PC that you really really want, please back it up, there is a new ransomware virus out again.

[quote=“Scottman81, post:9, topic:6855”]
Be careful about the fake “found a virus on your computer, click to remove” pop ups too. I know someone who gets A TON of bad stuff because he always clicks those thinking it is his anti-virus software telling him that. Its just a clever pop up that install malware and trojans.[/quote]

My mom has gotten those before. Luckily I was there and told her not to click on it because she sure would of. She has all kinds of problems with her computer because she is always downloading all kinds of games and things.