Advice on our new tank

Help please got a new tank friends gave us got it home and found its a lizard tank can we convert it

was it an aquarium they used for a lizard or is it thin wall glass, or has a screen for a side. dont think that will hold water.

What kind of conversion? if it holds water just give it a good wiping with vinegar :TWOCENTS

but as ken said, just make sure its not too thin… just post some pics if you need a 2nd look

[quote=“saltcreep, post:3, topic:5899”]
if it holds water just give it a good wiping with vinegar :TWOCENTS

but as ken said, just make sure its not too thin… just post some pics if you need a 2nd look[/quote]

Terrariums and aquariums have different thicknesses of glass and will often times use different silicone. Terrariums due to their hot humid nature will often times use a silicone that resists mold / mildew / bacteria - which would be very bad in an aquarium.

The glass on a terrarium is often thinner than aquarium glass as it’s only purpose is to keep a lizard (insert type of reptile here) and some crickets or maybe a mouse in - not withstand the water pressure from filling it up and adding a power head or two.

Now with that being said - I think most people generally buy aquairums to use as terrariums due to them being cheaper. and easier to find used.