After Thanksgiving Retail Outlet SALE

Retail Outlet SALE Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, 11-5.

Lots of new deals, thousands of corals IN STOCK NOW, 50% + OFF

Assorted SPS and Zoanthids frags $15
Blue Spotted Jawfish $75
Lg Yellow Tangs $29
Mated pairs Ocellaris Clowns $30
Photosynthetic Gorgonians, many colors. $24
Ball and Tree Sponges $19
Assorted Acropora Colonies 50% off
Md-Lg Assorted Soft and LPS Colonies 2 for $75
Green BTA 4-6 inches $20
Australian Corals 50% off
All Clams $35, Crocea, Maxima, Squamosa, 2.5-5 inches
Inverts/Clean Up Crews ON SALE
Green Spaghetti Leathers, 5-7 inches, $45

We are loaded with livestock for our After Thanksgiving SALE Friday and Saturday.

A small section of available Acropora colonies

Small section of Aussie corals available

Just a few of the SPS frags you can choose from

We have tons of really nice Soft and LPS colonies

A few individual corals

Reatil Outlet SALE Friday and Saturday 11-5

could you give me examples of the clean up crew prices?

Thanks for the great sale, Doc! The new frags are lookin great.

Beautiful stuff as always. I just wish I had some room left in our tank. I think I have covered just about every surface with a coral at this point.

I picked one of these up from Miguel at Fragglereef a couple years ago and now have at least 8-10 of them.

I don’t think I can beat his photograph:

Here is the one I have set aside to sell.(not the best photograph I’ve taken)

I bought mine for $9.99 selling this one for $7.

i have some almost like this. i just gave logans daddy something really close. i may have to sell a few myself soon.

that mushroom looks nice! if its still as hardy as most mushrooms than i would love to take it! it would look nice in the 90 gallon im getting tonight

[quote=“xwhatmeworryx, post:8, topic:883”]
that mushroom looks nice! if its still as hardy as most mushrooms than i would love to take it! it would look nice in the 90 gallon im getting tonight [/quote]

Now THAT is how you fix a leak

lol yeah well i wanted a bigger tank and its 350$ for a 90 gallon wiht overflows refugium emperor 400 heater sand some live rock stand everything but the lights YahoO figured it was a good deal!

Glad to hear you will be upgrading your tanks. I hope we will soon see a new build thread with pictures!

These mushrooms are very hardy. As with most everything I have I’ve put them through a lot of crap in the past and they made it through it. I believe they are of the genus Discoma which are typicaly the most hardy mushrooms in my experience. Should I bring this to the meeting on Monday?


yes please do:)