algae scrubber build

Is anyone using a algae scrubber on their tank?

Please posts some pics of it in use and any pics of how to build one. What parts are needed, what lighting is used.

I couldn’t attend the last meeting and want to build a scrubber for my 180 gallon tank


My system uses a DIY algae scrubber. My build has plenty of pics and links to the mats I used to make my waterfall scrubber.

Thanks Jason. i was following your thread, just forgot about your using a scrubber

I will check it out

Very interesting read Jason, packed full of information.


They are similar to what fishbowl was selling. Im not sure what kind of room your working with and this type seems to work well in smaller spaces due to its size.
I did have a scrubber i took down. It was killing off my macros so i took it off line. It worked well and grew some nasty stuff.