andrewk529 New to DRC

well i guess i should introduce myself first of all my name is andrew and i currently attend uofd. I’ve had experience with marine aquaria while i was growing up, just a 20 long with a few damsels, random inverts and anomone’s but i’ve maintained some level of fresh water setup my entire life. I recently decided i wanted to get back into the saltwater hobby and stumbled upon this website randomly through google. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable regarding keeping saltwater tanks but i appreciate the wealth of experience granted by this outlet so I’m sure everyone will hear more from me in the future and expect a 55 reef build thread in the future

fish-welcome to DRC

New faces are always welcome! If you havent begun putting together the pieces for your new setup, you might just want to start a planning thread. There are a LOT of ways to keep a successful tank, but some are much easier than others. Once you have a solid idea put together post it, im sure you will get a ton of feedback and maybe some ideas to do things differently.

:Welcome) [move] le-frog[/move]

Always great to see new member. Got any pics??

Nice, now we have at least 3-4 UD reefers? Perhaps you have classes with some of them. I just graduated in the spring.

WELCOME! Can’t wait to hear more about you and your tanks.

:Welcome) and fish-welcome

Welcome Andrew. I am a new member also. UDEL is a great school. I got my entomology degree there quite a few years ago… we won’t say how many… lOl

If you are planning a reef tank I would try and go with a wider tank than the 55g. It is so hard to aquascape with only 12" to work with. I had a tough time with my 39g for that very reason.

I look forward to reading your new tank thread.

must have missed this thread while browsing the other day but i wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome…

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:887”]
Nice, now we have at least 3-4 UD reefers? Perhaps you have classes with some of them. I just graduated in the spring. [/quote]

possibly i’m a biology and history major so if they have taken any classes pertaining to those fields… UD is a huge school but i don’t have to tell you that

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:6, topic:887”]
Welcome Andrew. I am a new member also. UDEL is a great school. I got my entomology degree there quite a few years ago… we won’t say how many… lOl

If you are planning a reef tank I would try and go with a wider tank than the 55g. It is so hard to aquascape with only 12" to work with. I had a tough time with my 39g for that very reason.

I look forward to reading your new tank thread.[/quote]

that’s a good consideration but unfortunately space is an issue and i have a few fresh water tanks to contend with. In the future i’d love to have something custom…the 55 i had spoken about is currently FW i created a native tank with a few local species which are going back into the wild this spring when i plan on setting everything up…also this tank will not be permanent as i’ll be moving in a year so i’m reluctant to get any stony corals at this time or anything i perceive as fragile mainly planning on soft varities… zoa’s and mushrooms