Another clam inquiry.

While we were moving our clam from the upper rock work back down onto the sand bed, we noticed it’s foot’s hold onto it’s “buddy rock” was not as strong/firm as when we have previously moved it, or noticed it’s footing. We have heard that clams can loosen their hold and reattach as they please, but we were wondering if this is a good, bad, or mundane happening?
As previously mentioned, we moved our clam back onto the sand bed because we noticed it wasn’t opening as far, or at least wasn’t sticking it’s mantle out as much as it used to. It hasn’t been moved a full day yet, and it does seem to be opened a little farther than when it was higher in the tank, but it has yet to reach it’s optimum potential in terms of opening. Any thoughts or suggestions? I’ve included a picture to show where the clam is seated at the moment. Thanks guys!!

As long as the biscus gland did not get ripped out of the clam it should be ok.
You may see some threads on the rock and that should be fine

My smaller maximas (2’’ and under) move quite a bit, they’ll attach, and detach from pieces of rubble/small rock, and even leave behind little “threads”. When i had a larger maxima (5’’ +) it never moved or attached to anything at all, and slowly over the course of a couple months, just kept closing more and more til it died. sorry, I know im not being much help… it just might not be anything your doing… or can do for it verdict_in
do you have any other clams? how they doing?

i’d say leave it there for at least a week. i’d also call dr mac and send him a pic, provide details. +1 on the threads being left also. personally, i’m quite upset over the survival rate past 6-9 months for these wild-caught maxis, despite the zero mortality from tahiti to maryland that we heard about at the meeting

[quote=“moliken, post:4, topic:4817”]
i’d say leave it there for at least a week. i’d also call dr mac and send him a pic, provide details. +1 on the threads being left also. personally, i’m quite upset over the survival rate past 6-9 months for these wild-caught maxis, despite the zero mortality from tahiti to maryland that we heard about at the meeting[/quote]

I’m not too happy myself, and I’ll be correlating with Dr. Mac here shortly. Hopefully he can offer some more positive input, or even take it back before things really begin to go south. I was definitely going to give it an adjustment period in the new location, a week sounds pretty reasonable. Thanks for the advice, and further input is always welcome. I’ll be sure to post any updates, good or bad.

sent u a pm